International Science and Technology conference to be held
View(s):The 6th Ruhunu International Science and Technology conference (RISTCON 2019) organised by the Ruhunu University Science Faculty will be held early next year.
The conference to be held on January 19, 2019 will provide an international platform for scientists, researchers and research students, both from Sri Lanka and overseas institutions.
The focus will be on research findings on various themes, accommodating many science and technology areas as possible. The conference will enable participants to address technological advances and research findings in multi-disciplinary areas.
Participants are requested to submit their original contributions in agriculture, botany, chemistry, nanotechnology, oceanography, veterinary science, zoology, ecology, engineering, bio-chemistry and bio-physics, computer science and ICT, environment science, fisheries and agriculture.
Those in multimedia and statistics, medical and health sciences, modeling and simulation, molecular biology and biotechnology, and physics and geophysical science can participate as well.