Pod of 50 Sperm Whales spotted off Kalpitiya
An official of the Department of Wildlife Conservation said a pod of 50 sperm whales were sighted off the Kalpitiya seas earlier this month.

Last April too a similar pod of whales was sighted in the area
Manjula Kumara, a Wildlife Ranger in Kalpitiya, said between 21 – 23 December he witnessed the whales breaching or surfacing.
A spokesperson for the Department of Wildlife said department believed the whales were using a traditional migratory route via the Kalpitiya sea.
The spokesperson added, they had on an earlier occasion too, sighted pods of whales during the month of April.
Fishermen in the Kalpitiya area said, they too, had witnessed groups of whales breaching the surface in the area.

A whale surfaces

The beauty of the pod

Our cameraman caught this photo as the whale surfaced