Ruggerite killed in elevator tragedy
A top rugby player, Kokila Sammandaperuma, was killed early yesterday when the elevator he was in elevator he was in spiraled down its shaft yesterday. The 25-year-old victim was a member of the Ceylonese Rugby Football Cub (CR&FC) and also former Captain of the Wesley College team.

The glass elevator that crashed to the shaft pit early Saturday. Pic by Ishanka Sunimal
The tragedy occurred around 1.45 a.m. at a nine-storey building in Navam Mawatha. The ruggerite got into the elevator with a group of others to go to the night club on the topmost floor. But the lift had sped downwards towards the basement within seconds after moving up a short distance.
A spokesman for the Dubai-Japan joint venture company that installed the Mitsubishi elevator in the building said the lift had not slammed into the basement but had stopped about a foot above pit level. The Kompannaveediya police received a call from the building’s security officers around 1.50 a.m., Chief Inspector Chandana Kaluarachchi said. He said the elevator was stuck with people inside.

Kokila Sammandaperuma
“Suddenly, I heard a thundering noise from the lift,” a security officer said. “Even our employees ran towards it. But they could not open the door so they telephoned the elevator company before calling the police,” he said. The company sent technicians who used iron rods and crowbars to force open the door and smashed the glass panels. They were able to evacuate those trapped inside.
But the ruggerite was found in the shaft pit and his condition was serious. He was taken to the National Hospital but doctors said he was dead on admission. The ruggerite Kokila lived at Talangama North in Battaramulla. Two others suffered minor injuries and were admitted to the hospital around 2.45 a.m. One was discharged after treatment. The other patient said the lift was crowded when he entered it.
He said they were heading towards the club on the ninth floor. As he pressed the elevator panel, there was commotion as the people inside the lift were tossed up and then crashed to the ground. His right leg was jammed against one corner while his hip hit the floor.
The elevator company said the lift was 20 years old and was serviced regularly. The spokesman also claimed it was in “perfect condition” but that a team of experts dispatched to the scene were preparing a report which is expected by tomorrow. The building owner also confirmed that the elevator was serviced on time.