Menace at the traffic lights
View(s):Police have been threatening to enforce the law against persons engaged in begging at traffic lights for sometime now.

Story and pix by Ishanka Sunimal
However, with no such action being initiated. both motorists and members of the public at traffic intersections being continually harassed on a daily basis.
The problem at traffic lights is especially concerning, given that a large number beggars continuing to hover around traffic lights at busy intersections in Colombo. This has become a major problem to motorists with many becoming distracted as beggars continue to stand in the middle of the road demanding alms.
Those who wish to give money must do so quickly while keeping an eye on the traffic light.
Motorists have also to be vigilent to avoid running into beggars who wander in and out of traffic.
Recently it has become a practice for beggars to deliberately obstruct motorists at traffic lights in a bid to compel them to hand over cash.
There have also incidents of these so-called beggars getting into arguments with motorists who refuse to pay up. The ‘beggars’ then resort abusing motorisits in foul language.
Failure to enforce the law against this practice not only makes life extremely difficult for motorists, it also poses a danger to life and limb.

Some beggars come well-dressed, but with sad stories

Beggars stand by motorists demanding alms

Beggars are known to abuse motorists who reject their demands for cash

It is believed some of the beggars are actually residents out to make a quick buck

Some ‘beggars’ slip their crutches into the wheels of waiting vehicles, claim they were knocked down and demand compensation