The increase in the number of Sri Lankan students studying at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and at the China-Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research (CSL-CER), was an indication of the growing interest shown in such internationally important areas of study as Oceanography, Geology and Environmental Science, Sri Lanka’s Consul General [...]


China, Sri Lanka collaboration sees more students interested in Environmental Sciences


The increase in the number of Sri Lankan students studying at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and at the China-Sri Lanka Joint Center for Education and Research (CSL-CER), was an indication of the growing interest shown in such internationally important areas of study as Oceanography, Geology and Environmental Science, Sri Lanka’s Consul General in Guangzhou, Priyangika Dharmasena said.

Ms Dharmasena was speaking at the welcoming ceremony organised by CSL-CER for Sri Lankan students who studied at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and will continue their studies in their respective specialised fields at the CSL-CER in Guangzhou. Addressing the crowd as Chief Guest at the ceremony held last week, the Consul General appreciated the continuous warm hospitality and assistance given to Sri Lankan students by the institute throughout the years, and welcomed the commitment of the institute in promoting scientific cooperation with Sri Lankan universities and education institutes, and hoped for further collaboration.

Noting the role played by the institute, in association with the University of Ruhuna, in strengthening marine research in Sri Lanka, she thanked the institute for the support to develop the area. Prof Dongxiao Wang, Director, CSL-CER apprised the Consul General of CSL-CER activities and requested the continuous support of the Consulate to the institute and its students.

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