Healing powers of hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy is the use of water, either internally or externally, to maintain health and prevent disease. Although it was the Romans who introduced spas throughout the Roman empire, modern hydrotherapy is commonly attributed to Father Sebastian Kneipp (1821-97), who believed that water would ‘dissolve, remove and strengthen’. Dissolve matter-containing disease, remove diseased matter from the body and strengthen the body by restoring cleansed blood to the tissues and maximising circulation.

Ms. Manohari Wickramaratchi with some of the awards she has won.
According to its mineral content, water taken internally can have a laxative, diuretic, phlegmatic (phlegm producing) or diaphoretic (perspiration-inducing) effects. Used externally, water has the power to improve blood and lymph circulation, relax tension in the tissues, alleviate pain and calm the nervous system. In the past, little controlled research had been carried out into hydrotherapy; and what little there had been done, was more often than not, been conducted in Germany. However, in recent years some interesting studies have been carried out into the varied forms and applications of hydrotherapy in medicine.
How does it work?
There is no drug on the market that can rival the number of beneficial physiological effects that water is capable of producing, and the world surface covers 75 per cent. In fact, there are no substances known to man that possess as many remedial and health-promoting qualities as water. Properties of water such as bouncy, hydrostatic pressure, heat and sound exchange properties are beneficial as therapeutic qualities. Used externally, water has the power to improve blood and lymph circulation, relax tension in the tissues, alleviate pain and calm the nervous system.
Ozone Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy Machine
A team of engineers have developed a special flexible mat lined with ceramic cells and a processing unit that generates a maximum of 46 litres of ozone and anion- laden air that thrust out of the mat via miniature holes. This rush of air produces millions of high energy bubbles. Continuous collision and rupturing of the bubbles creates ultrasonic wave energy.
Ozone by its meaning in Greek is “to smell” (ozein) pure and fresh air. Ozone is a bluish water-soluble gas with a distinctive smell, which has been used to purify water since 1893. Ozone occurs naturally in the environment. In nature, oxygen is released from plants and sea-plankton during photosynthesis. Oxygen floats upward into the atmosphere and in turn is converted into Ozone by ultraviolet radiation. Ozone blocks out the harmful UV rays that cause skin cancer.
Ozone is heavier than air by 1.3 times. It is always descending slowly into the lower atmosphere. As Ozone falls, it oxidizes any pollutants or contaminants which come into contact converting into safer compounds constantly cleaning the atmosphere. Ozone is also created during thunder and lightning by converting molecules of oxygen into molecules of Ozone. This is sometimes referred to as activated oxygen tri-atomic form of oxygen or pure air. Being an unstable gas, ozone life span is about 20 minutes depending on the temperature and reverts back to oxygen.
The high frequency accelerant built in the Ozone hydrotherapy machine, emits a constant output of ozone at 0.05ppm (German FDA Standard), effectively sterilised, sanitised and deodorised all substance that come on contact. Enhance the vitality of cells, remove cuticle, smoothen skin, the disinfecting ability of ozone is 3000 times more germicidal than chlorine.
Far Infrared Energy Mat
Using advanced technology, PU and fine bio-ceramic fibre are blended and integrated into one finished bath mat. It magnetizes water and at the same time softens water, friendly to skin and enhance blood circulation.
FIR is commonly known as the “Light of Life” because it has brought life to the earth. Up till today, the development and reproduction of all life – forms on earth depends upon FIR found in sunlight. It is an invisible part of the spectrum of sunlight beyond the red in the spectrum and as such is also known as the “invisible light”.
The far infrared rays have attracted researchers’ attention because of their marvelous effect on human beings. Ceramic is at present the ultimate material used to store FIR energy. FIR penetrates into our body and heats up from inside. Heat is spread outwards by conduction in bones, convection in tissues fluids. The growing warmth (conduction and convention) dilates blood vessels and fine capillaries, improves circulation, and facilitates removal of impurities and influx of nutrients. When far infrared radiation strikes molecules, it become more intense and creates a resonant effect throughout the body.
Ozone Hydrotherapy Unit generates millions of bubbles every minute. The explosions of more than a million strong bubbles colliding with each other every second emits natural supersonic with a frequency of 8-10kHz of high frequency energy, and generate 10,000 – 15,000 micro tremors energy per sec. This translates into 1.5kg massage pressure capable of simultaneous and continuous massage for all 320 acupuncture points in the body.
Internal Warming as tested by JP Industry University, and the absorption of ultrasonic is 13 per cent in bone, 3.3 per cent in muscle and 0.0022 per cent in water. Our body is composed of 66 per cent water, therefore can be penetrated and warmed up rapidly. With 38c ultrasonic bath, the heat of ultrasonic reach the bone in approximately 10 minutes and expand outwardly whereas ordinary bathing in water temperature of 42c will take 90 minutes to reach the bone.
Immersion in ultrasonic bath rapidly heats up the body from within, increasing metabolic rate like a bath in a natural hot spring. It can help expansion of blood vessels enhance blood circulation hematopoiesis and resistance against diseases. This form of hydrotherapy promotes the normal secretion of hormones, strengthens the function of reproductive organs and improves the quality of life.
Ultrasonic bubbles massages 320 main acupoints across the body. A 5-minute bath is equal to 1 hour professional massage. Supersonic wave introduces approximately 1127 massage per sec across the body. Hydro acupuncture stimulates internal organs, blood and lymph circulation are facilitated and muscles are relaxed. This treatment burns fat, eliminates flabby tissue and shapes the body.
Treatment Procedure
A 20 minutes full body soak in a tub of water with active forces with water temperatures ranging from 37c to 42C according to your therapy requirement. Essential oils and/or salts are added to the water according to the specific treatments.
Intensity of the water activity can be from mild, medium to high level controlled by the air bubbles pumping into the water through the ceramic embedded mat. The physical impact is created on your body by the air bubbles projecting into the water. At the same time it produces ultrasound through the activity of collision and rupturing of air bubbles.
Essential Oils
An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled (most frequently by steam or water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant. Essential oils, contrary to the use of the word “oil” are not really oily. It is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds.
Essential oils may contain hundreds of different elements but three primary elements common to all oils are hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. Each time you inhale essential oils or apply them to your body, you are enriching your body with needed oxygen to purge toxins and fight off disease causing pathogens. This is why the use of essential oils on a daily basis can help you develop a superior immune system and why people who use the oils seldom experience illness and disease.
(The writer is a biomedical scientist and a doctor of alternative medicine who has pioneered Ozone Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy system in Sri Lanka. Currently she is an international speaker for Hydrotherapy and as a scientist she has made a breakthrough in treating chronic diseases and maintaining fitness, beauty and health via water. She has partnered with Ayubowan Wellness Medical Hospital in Colombo 8 and opened a state of the art hydrotherapy centre earlier this month).