Stanford Cricket of India, the manufacturers of popular ‘SF’ branded cricket equipment have graciously come forward to sponsor the cricket teams of Sri Devananda College Ambalangoda in the 2019 season. As part of the sponsorship package a consignment of cricket equipment was handed over to S. Suriyarachchi, the Principal of Sri Devananda College by Anuralal [...]


India’s Stanford Cricket powers Sri Devananda Ambalangoda in 2019


Stanford Cricket of India, the manufacturers of popular ‘SF’ branded cricket equipment have graciously come forward to sponsor the cricket teams of Sri Devananda College Ambalangoda in the 2019 season. As part of the sponsorship package a consignment of cricket equipment was handed over to S. Suriyarachchi, the Principal of Sri Devananda College by Anuralal Algiyawadu, the Proprietor of Githmi Sports and the local sales agents for Stanford Cricket of India.

The Under-19 cricket team of Sri Devananda College Ambalangoda with the cricket equipment they received from Stanford Cricket India

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