CICRA Campus launches Executive Master’s in Mass Communication
Addressing a long-felt need in the media and communications industry, CICRA Campus yesterday announced the launching of Executive Master’s program in Mass Communication.
“The program covers 360 degrees of the latest and modern domain knowledge in the media and communications sphere,” CICRA Campus Group Director/CEO Boshan Dayaratne said.

Boshan Dayaratne, Group Director/CEO, CICRA Campus
“Candidates who complete the executive masters are expected to become skilled and qualified leaders in media and communications, and advertising and public relations industries. They will also contribute to the society with proactive contribution and management of the media systems of the modern information society,” Mr. Dayaratne said.
“The Executive Master’s program has been designed keeping working professionals in mind while ensuring imparting of 360 degrees of full domain knowledge,” Mr. Dayaratne said adding that the program could be completed within 12 to 15 months
“The program consists of eight modules and a research project,” he said.
The modules include New Media Communications, Public Relations, Development Communication and investigative Journalism. The other modules are Media Ethics, Media Law, Mass Communication: Theory and Practice and Research Methods.
The Executive Master’s degree is awarded by the Asia E University (AEU), Malaysia.
“The AEU is an international university established in Asia, by Asians for Asia under the Asia Cooperation Dialogue of which Government of Sri Lanka is a signatory. AEU is also recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Sri Lanka,” Mr. Dayaratne said.
More details on the program could be accessed from program website
CICRA Campus is a licenced partner of the AEU and already offers the Executive Master’s in Information Security program in Sri Lanka since 2015. Nearly 250 candidates are studying for the information security master’s program while 67 others have already graduated.

CICRA Campus student graduating at the Asia E University convocation in Malaysia