Who cares for our children
Several state agencies are tasked with the responsibility of caring for children. Sadly most of them have failed to achieve their objectives. The state and in some instances parents themselves are to be blamed for this sad state of affairs.
Most children who are homeless or neglected end up on the streets as they have no one to provide them food, education and protection. Some of these children are found sleeping in front of shops and begging at street corners. Unfortunately the state agencies whose objective it is to prevent this type of situation have failed.
Children can be seen working at small eateries. Others do menial tasks in exchange for food or a meagre allowance. However, despite strict regulations banning child labour, children continue to be used to carry loads, children are being used to peel onions or for cleaning shops.
Beggars too use toddlers and little children as props to aid them in the begging trade. Many a child can be seen tagging behind beggars along the streets. A common feature among these children is that they are ill-fed and malnourished.
Despite the existence of specific government appointed agencies to prevent the exploitation of children and laws prohibiting child labour, the law in reality is a dead letter.

Poverty knows no barriers... Sinhala, Tamil or Muslim we share poverty

A little girl with her malformed sibling beg for their supper

Who cares for these little ones The Street children of Mother Lanka

No education for him and his not to reason why. He’s just a source of cheap labour.

Children are sometimes used as props to aid beggars in their trade