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Aelian blends skilfulness to accomplish aesthetic delight

There is no lasting spot for exploits and fame- one may quote Mark Anthony’s phrase. ‘The good that one does is often interred’. The veritable truth of this statement is often witnessed in contemporary lives. Lofty and amazing feats of human endeavour very often fail to be lauded and honoured. Memories linger only in the [...]
Win two movie tickets at Scope-CCC
TV Times readers can now watch their favourite movies free of charge at Colombo’s latest Scope Cinema Complex at the Colombo City Centre (CCC). All you have to do is to answer the simple question along with the other details on the Coupon and send it to Movie Quiz with Scope Cinema, C/o TV Times, [...]
Around Sri Lanka in a Motorhome

Experiencing Sri Lanka, the Top Destination recommended to visit in 2019 by Lonely Planet, can be done in many ways. Motorhoming is a unique and yet to be popularised way to travel around the island, offering both a mode of transport and comfortable accommodation as well as flexibility to plan the trip at one’s convenience. [...]
CCH wins ‘Loved by Guests’ Award has recognised Colombo Court Hotel and Spa(CCH) by awarding the ‘Loved by Guests’ award for its unique customer service in 2018. This award has been judged based on documented reviews by guests, which incidentally has been rated as the very best by the guests. is one of the best websites for online hotel [...]
Dragons and animated fantasy
‘How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World’, one of the box office hit, animated fantasy films is now being screened at theatres in Colombo. Loosely based on the book series of the same name by Cressida Cowell, this DreamWorks Animation is written and directed by Dean DeBlois. The final instalment in the How to [...]
Running away from the holocaust
Polish filmmaker Jerzy Hoffman’s “After your decrees”, a film highlighting the agony of the holocaust, woven around a young girl who is running for her life, will be screened at 7 pm on March 1 at the Goethe Institute, Colombo. The film screening is a part of Artur Brauner‘s “Films Against Oblivion”, which are being [...]
Love, in reality and in cinema

Udayasiri Wickramaratne’s play ‘Pem Yuwalaka Onakara Thibe’ (Wanted: A real couple) will go on the boards at 3.30 pm and 6.45 pm on February 24 at the Namel Malini Punchi Theatre, Borella. In this play, a romance of the 1970s films transforms into a unique 21st Century theatrical experience. The theme of this play is [...]
Colombo International Women’s Film Festival

For the first time in Sri Lanka, a group of women filmmakers, feminist critics and women’s rights activists are joining hands to have a festival of their own. To celebrate International Women’s Day this year, Colombo International Women’s Film Festival will be opened on the February 28 evening at the National Film Corporation Cinema in [...]