Malaysia Education Exhibition March 2019 concluded successfully
His Excellency Tan Yang Thai, The High Commissioner of Malaysia to Sri Lanka with Mr. Keerthi and Ruckmalie Jayasuriya Directors of International Scholar Educational Services (Pvt) Ltd and Mr. Kabilan Muniandy from Winning Magnitude Malaysia at the expo
The biannual Malaysian Education exhibition organized by International Scholar Educational Services (Pvt) Ltd and Winning Magnitude Malaysia was held at Cinnamon Grand on 09th & 10th March 2019.
The exhibition was organized for the 13th consecutive year with the participation of around 10 reputed Malaysian universities and institutes and was well attended.
His Excellency Tan Yang Thai, The High Commissioner of Malaysia to Sri Lanka graced the exhibition on the 09th morning.
Students and parents who attended the event were able to meet with representatives from many leading universities in Malaysia and get first hand information about latest courses, facilities and scholarships offered to students.
International Scholar is in their 20th year of operations is a pioneer in the industry, and the 1st to promote Malaysian education in Sri Lanka and represent all the leading private universities in Malaysia.
The company provides free career guidance and placements in overseas universities for students wishing to pursue higher education.
Over the years International Scholar has helped thousands of students find their best fit career at an affordable price. There are many scholarships on offer. Globally International Scholar represents nearly one hundred highly reputed institutes in 9 countries.
For more information on studying in Malaysia contact Malaysian Education Center @ International Scholar on
011 2553466/ 0765315545 or email
- Monash University representative meeting with students
- University representatives with the team at Scholar
- His Excellency Tan Yang Thai, The High Commissioner of Malaysia to Sri Lanka with Mr. Keerthi and Ruckmalie Jayasuriya Directors of International Scholar Educational Services (Pvt) Ltd and Mr. Kabilan Muniandy from Winning Magnitude Malaysia at the expo
- Taylors University Representative meeting with students