Esquel to sponsor Dragon Boating in Sri Lanka
Esquel Sri Lanka Ltd General Manager Graham Parley and NACKSL President Rohan Prithiviraj Perera sign the Sponsorship Agreement in the presence of Minister of Sports, Harin Fernando
A four-year sponsorship agreement, commencing 2019, to promote Dragon Boating in Sri Lanka, was signed between Apparel exporter, Esquel Sri Lanka Ltd (ESLL) and the National Association for Canoeing & Kayaking, Sri Lanka (NACKSL) this week, in the presence of Minister of Sports, Harin Fernando.
Dragon Boating, which is a Canoe Sport, had its origins in South Central China over 2,000 years ago. Even before the Olympiad commenced in ancient Greece. Practised as annual water rituals and festive celebrations in China, and to venerate the Chinese Dragon Water Deity, it is an important part of the ancient Chinese agricultural society, which celebrates the summer rice planting rituals using rice paddies.
Today, Dragon Boating has become a popular sport and is practised in over 100 countries worldwide. The 2018 Dragon Boats World Championship was held in the USA and the 2019 European Championship is to be held in Russia from July 4-7. The Asian Games held in Palembang, Jakarta, Indonesia, also featured Dragon Boating as a competition, for the first time in its history.
This fast growing sport with a festive spirit is also used to promote sports tourism, team building and leadership training by schools and corporates in across the globe. As such, the prospects are most promising for Sri Lanka to get on the international stage in Dragon Boating. Already, a team of 20 members from ESLL took part in an inter-company championship held in China in May 2018, and won a Bronze medal. They were trained by Indian Level 2 Coach, Sunil Kevat, who was sponsored by the Indian Kayaking & Canoe Association. (IKAC).
Presently, the NACKSL owns two Dragon Boats, with each accommodating 10-member teams. They were donated by the Japan Canoe Federation, while 4 more 10-member Dragon Boats are to be procured from China soon, with two boats paid for by ESLL, and the other 2 donated by the Chinese Canoe Federation. Thus, a total of 6 Dragon Boats will soon be available for use by schools, clubs and corporates.
This multipurpose sport has teams of 10/20 members, with a drummer giving the beat and rhythm for the paddlers. For the present, it is intended to begin with the 10-member team events, and graduate to 20-member team events.
Sri Lanka, with many waterways, will soon be able to look forward to Dragon Boat Tourism Festivals, National and International Competitions.