Much awaited exhibition by Shi-en Ikebana & Floral Art Society

Flower lovers, flower arrangers make a date– the long awaited exhibition by members of Shi-en Ikebana & Floral Art Society will be held on March 30 and 31 at the Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management, There will be more than 50 arrangements from traditional to more modern in both Ikebana and Western [...]
BASL holds Appreciation Night to honour lawyers with 50 years of servive to legal profession

The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) Appreciation Night was held on Friday March 15, to felicitate lawyers who completed 50 years at the Bar for their valuable contribution to the legal profession. The Chief Guest was Attorney General Jayantha Jayasuriya PC and the Guest of Honour was Supreme Court Judge Justice Padman Surasena. President [...]
National Trust AGM followed by book launch
The Annual General Meeting of the National Trust – Sri Lanka will be held on Thursday, March 28 at the HNB Auditorium, 22nd Floor, HNB Towers, 479 T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10 at 6 p.m. This will be followed by the launch of the book “Collection of Drawings & Paintings by L.K. Karunaratne” by Prof. [...]
SLFUW holds jumble sale
Sri Lanka Federation of University Women’s Jumble Sale will be held on Saturday, March 30 from 9 a.m at its Centre, 96/25, Kitulwatte Road, Colombo 8 (bordering Borella Kanatta.) In time for the Sinhala and Tamil new year, there will be garments, household items, kitchenware, homemade food items, books, glassware, handbags, shoes, vegetables, potted plants [...]
March sale at the GFS
The annual March Sale of the Girls’ Friendly Society will be held at the GFS Hall, Green Path, Colombo 3 on Friday, March 29. A variety of miscellaneous items will be available at bargain prices as well as breakfast packs and tasty food items. This year, the GFS is offering free eye screening for all [...]
Think local, develop better
ISLAMABAD – In October 2018, Pakistani television news channels reported on how the local authorities in Pishin, a district in Balochistan province, were building a small dam to cope with frequent droughts in the area. Instead of accepting the government’s proposal to build the dam at a cost of PKR10 million ($71,000), the local community [...]
Tripitaka as a World Heritage: London Buddhist Vihara and Sri Lanka HC host scholarly forum

The Sri Lanka High Commission in London in association with the London Buddhist Vihara hosted a scholarly forum on “The Significance of the Tripitaka as a World Heritage” on March 16 at the London Buddhist Vihara. In his opening address, the Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala Nayaka Thera, Chief Incumbent of London Buddhist Vihara and Chief Sangha [...]
Sharing a canvas of colour across the border

The sunlit garden of the Light of Asia Foundation in Pelawatte filled with towering trees and birdsong, flanked by buildings heavily influenced by tradition and culture provided the perfect atmosphere for a collaborative convergence of distinguished Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi artists. The High Commission of Bangladesh to Sri Lanka in association with the Society for [...]
Pragna Pradeepa marks anniversary with charity ceremony

To mark the 31st anniversary of the Pragna Padeepa Foundation, a grand celebration was held at the Campbell Park last week with the participation of ministers and other dignitaries. Pragna Pradeepa concept initiator Jayantha de Silva, who was also the Borella electorate UNP chief organiser and Western Provincial Council member, was the chief guest at [...]
Palestine President honours Lanka’s envoy with friendship gold medal

Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas honoured Sri Lanka’s Ambassador Mohammed Fawzan Anver with the Star of Friendship Gold Medal in recognition of his outstanding role in strengthening relations between Palestine and Sri Lanka, and in appreciation of his support for the Palestinian freedom cause. The presentation was made at a farewell ceremony held at the the [...]
Remembering Dr. P.R. Anthonis
The Lanka-Japan Friendship Society will hold the Dr. P.R. Anthonis Memorial Oration 2019 on March 26 at 5 p.m. at the Sasakawa Memorial Cultural Centre on 22nd Lane in Kollupitiya, with Colombo University’s Business Economics Professor H.D. Karunaratne delivering the keynote address. He will speak on “Nexus Japan Powering Prosperity in South Asia”. Japan’s Ambassador [...]
Promoted as SP

D.D.S. Sooriyaarachchi, who functioned as ASP Ampara has been promoted to the rank of Superintendent of Police by the National Police Commission. SP Sooriyaarachchi who joined the Police Department in 1984 as a sub inspector was promoted to the rank of inspector in 1993, chief inspector in 2003 and ASP in 2010. He completed the [...]
Shibly Aziz: A model law officer of the State

It is indeed an honour to be invited to speak a few words in appreciation of a legal giant who bestrode our forensic arena for over half a century. When we lost Shibly Aziz, Sri Lanka lost a brilliantly competent, fearlessly independent and uncompromisingly ethical lawyer. Much has been said and much more will continue [...]
He became world-renowned for merging Eastern philosophy with Western communication theory

Dr. Dhavalasri Shelton Abeywickreme Gunaratne, a former Sri Lankan journalist and professor emeritus of Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) in the United States, passed away on March 8, 2019. A prolific academic, Dr. Gunaratne made substantial contributions to the field of mass communication. He wrote and published numerous books and academic papers, analysing the media [...]
Stand up and speak out, for there should be no more Christchurch carnage

“Er! Ahem!! Excuse me, you may not have noticed but something is happening. My neighbour has imported a man-eating tiger to eat her mother-in-law. She wants her MIL to become a MEAL.” (Ugh! Bad pun – or whatever) “What after the tiger has finished the offending mother-in-law?” “Well, my neighbour hasn’t thought about it that [...]
Harm that good strongmen do

During periods of political instability and threatened breakdown of law and order in a country, calls are often made for the need of strongmen to take over the governance, particularly by those not well disposed towards the ruling party. This is a common global phenomenon that has happened over the years but it has often [...]
RDA has no respect for monuments protected by law
The Malwatta Chapter Mahanayake has expressed serious concern while others have complained over the blatant disregard and vandalism of Sri Lanka’s ancient monuments. The latest of such a threat which was temporarily halted by the timely action of the appellate court was the Road Development Authority’s move that could have caused harm and destruction to [...]