SLMUN is an authentic simulation of the UN General Assembly which introduces students to the world of diplomacy, negotiation and decision making. Model UN not only involves young people in the discussion of global issues but also boosts the development of diplomatic techniques that will be useful throughout their lives – skills including research techniques, [...]


Why do SLMUN ?


SLMUN is an authentic simulation of the UN General Assembly which introduces students to the world of diplomacy, negotiation and decision making. Model UN not only involves young people in the discussion of global issues but also boosts the development of diplomatic techniques that will be useful throughout their lives – skills including research techniques, formulation and organisation of ideas, negotiation, conciliation and achieving consensus for decision making.

Whether you are put on the spot while attending a meeting, presenting a proposal, selling an idea or answering questions after a presentation- articulating thoughts and being able to think on your feet is a skill vital to overcome such situations. SLMUN gives an experience that will enable you to master this. Your clever and astute responses will help instill immediate confidence in what you are saying. When you can translate your thoughts and ideas into coherent speech quickly, you ensure that your ideas are heard and come across as persuasive and trustworthy!

Formulation and organization of ideas is a must when you present information. When you give an opinion or provide suggestions, SLMUN will make sure that you are well trained, know what you are talking about and that you are well informed. This doesn’t mean you have to know everything about everything, but if you are reasonably confident in your knowledge of the subject that confidence will help you remain calm and collected even if you are put unexpectedly thrown to the hot seat.

Being able to read effectively means more than just being able to understand what is written on the page. At SLMUN we take steps for students to explore different reading strategies for research. Students will be expected to read books, articles and other material as such that are on the internet or in libraries to get an in depth understanding for their debates and helps with the individual’s capacity of critical thinking.

Within SLMUN, writing remains one of the principal forms of communication and we can sometimes feel a bit helpless when faced with all the rules to follow. Which is why the educational value provided is immeasurable! Throughout the SLMUN experience students will be molded to draft written documents correctly and efficiently. In doing so, they will demonstrate the mastery of the subject and their communication skills. It will give a command of key professional writing skills regardless of the target, goal or chosen format. Whatever your career, you will find here what you need to enable you to progress and acquire this essential skill!

SLMUN also teaches delegates about the art of persuasion through speech, both informally and formally. During formal session, lobbying sessions and overall, the course of conference, delegates learn to understand the importance of a carefully constructed idea or thought. A confusing idea on paper might be explained by a delegate in the most honeyed words that attempts to garner the most support during debate.

With all these different ideas being voiced on one platform, you might expect quite a lot of conflict. However what SLMUN is about, is representing all these ideas, allowing each voice to be heard, all in a way that promotes negotiation rather than confrontation while working towards solutions together. The Executive Committee works hard to ensure that delegates foster an aura of conciliation and cooperation amongst each other in order to tackle the bigger issues and this year is no different.

With an average of around 60 persons in one committee, delegates quickly learn the importance of reaching solutions that agree with every nation represented in the room. The concept of reaching a consensus is deeply ingrained in every individual that has ever been a part of the MUN scene. Harmony is an important aspect that the United Nations itself bases upon and those same preconceptions are reflected in an individual learning to become a MUNer.

The morals and values that exist at the core of the UN are what really drive SLMUN. It isn’t merely about debating and winning awards. It’s not only about meeting new people. It’s about the youth of today becoming learned and involved in the issues of today. It’s about raising a generation of Sri Lankan youth that doesn’t sit at home waiting for someone else to say what’s on their minds. A generation that is aware of situations that exist beyond the bubble that is Sri Lanka. A generation that will acknowledge and do what they can, say what they can to change the status quo. Be a part of that generation.

If you’re still reading this article, you must be really interested in what SLMUN stands for. Don’t depend on a few words on a piece of paper to tell you about it. Try the experience yourself.

For more information please visit our website at or contact 0718013722 / 076160325.

Also visit our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to keep up with the workshops

To register for SLMUN check out our official website!

- Shabnam Mohamed &
Isuri Sumanasiri


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