A film discussion on Malith Hagoda’s debut film ‘Dekala Purudu Kenek’ ‘The Strange Familiar’, which is now being screened in cinemas islanwide, will be held at 3 pm on April 1 at the Mahaweli Centre auditorium Colombo. Organised by the Independent Cinema Collective, discussion under the title ‘Dekala Purudu Kawuda?’ will be addressed by [...]


Film discussion on ‘The Strange Familiar’



A film discussion on Malith Hagoda’s debut film ‘Dekala Purudu Kenek’ ‘The Strange Familiar’, which is now being screened in cinemas islanwide, will be held at 3 pm on April 1 at the Mahaweli Centre auditorium Colombo.

Organised by the Independent Cinema Collective, discussion under the title ‘Dekala Purudu Kawuda?’ will be addressed by filmmaker Chinthana Dharmadasa, Prabha Manurathna, Jagath Weerasinghe and Vidarshana Kannangara as the main speakers.

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