The season of Lent calls Christians on a spiritual journey of repentance and forgiveness. “Closer to Jesus” a Gospel service of the Passion of Christ presented by “Praise and Worship with Choro Calibre” will be held on Friday, April 12 at the Our Lady of Fatima Church, Colombo 10 at 6.30 p.m. The programme will [...]


Choro Calibre presents “Closer to Jesus”


The season of Lent calls Christians on a spiritual journey of repentance and forgiveness. “Closer to Jesus” a Gospel service of the Passion of Christ presented by “Praise and Worship with Choro Calibre” will be held on Friday, April 12 at the Our Lady of Fatima Church, Colombo 10 at 6.30 p.m.

The programme will comprise hymns, prayers and reflections with a choral presentation and live performance by the band. The spiritual director of the programme is Rev. Fr. Angelo Wijewickrama (OMI) who has been part of “Closer to Jesus” from its inception. The concept, script and musical arrangements are by young musician Shamal De Silva.

Shamal first had the idea for ‘Closer to Jesus’ while attending a retreat at the Divine Retreat Centre, India in 2011, after which he was inspired to initiate and direct Gospel concerts. Since 2012 each year Choro Calibre has held a Gospel concert in an effort to enhance praise and worship through inspirational music.

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