Home » ColumnsGhost of the past going after Gota

My dear Gota, I thought I must write to you because you seem to be in the news these days even though you are holidaying in Trump Land and not even here in Paradise where everyone is getting ready with kavum, kokis and kiribath to celebrate the New Year — and, perhaps, also the end [...]
Sirisena, Ranil in air war over Rupavahini chief

Some bureaucrats are calling it the “air wars” – the tussle between the President’s Office and the Prime Minister’s Office – over Rupavahini, the national television broadcaster. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe wants Chairman Inoka Sathyangani replaced. They now want to appoint journalist and Sri Lanka College of Journalism’s Chief Executive Officer Shan Wijetunga in her [...]
A bumper paddy harvest brightens the New Year

Today is a day of celebration. It is a day when presents are exchanged, sweetmeats are prepared and games are played while raban playing captures the joyful mood of the people. It is a time to rejoice as a bountiful harvest is reaped after three consecutive years. It is a time when economic difficulties are [...]
Gone are the days of Avurudu revelry

In our youth we looked forward to the Sinhala and Tamil New Year. Schools closed for the New Year holidays. Our homes were busy being readied for the joyous days that lasted a week or more when our parents bought us new clothes and relatives turned up often from distant towns or villages, bringing with [...]
Can Gota jump US hurdle?

When the Colombo High Court granted Gotabaya special permission to travel to the United States between March 26 and April 12, no doubt he would have been over the moon to be given the chance to spend a spring holiday in his adopted country. But as things stand today, this seeming blessing has turned out [...]
Fear and suspense growing over Gotabaya issue
Former Defence Secretary returns with confidence that court cases against him won’t stop him from contesting presidential poll Prospects still nil of President getting the nod from SLPP; second opinion may be sought from Supreme Court on presidential term Jayasekera’s attacks cause major problems in talks for SLPP-SLFP alliance; it might die before it is [...]
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