Wishing you a Prosperous New Year and a Successful Educational Journey from NCHS!

The New Year is a time for new hopes, blessing, success and joy. It is universally accepted that the key to success is Education. Therefore NCHS is happy to offer you a plethora of educational opportunities for a blessed new year! Life at university and the forward step from secondary to tertiary education is often [...]
A fast track for a world-class university degree

Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT), the pioneer in providing Australian Higher Education in Sri Lanka with Edith Cowan University (ECU),has started enrolments for its new batch of University Foundation Program exclusively meant for students who sat for GCE Ordinary Level Examination in 2018. ACBT University Foundation Programme is an excellent opportunity for students [...]
Annual General Meeting of SJC OBU Ja Ela Wattala Branch
The 32nd Annual General meeting of St. Joseph’s College, Colombo 10, Old Boys’ Union Ja Ela – Wattala Branch, will be held on Saturday 27th April 2019 at No. 165, Palliyawatta Road, Palliyawatta (the residence of Dr. Maithri Perera) commencing at 7.30 pm for the following purpose. 1. To Table the Annual Report for the [...]
The Annual Avurudu Celebration of College of Chemical Sciences of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon held its annual Avurudu cerebrations on the 7th of April 2019, Sunday at the President’s College, Kotte premises. Going in par with the traditions and customs of the New year celebrations, the festivity of the season was enjoyed by all students whlist Avurudu games such as kotta pora, tug of [...]
The homeless boy who became an award winning musician
There was once a boy who began singing, and playing guitar when he was 4 years old. He came from a very strict background. His parents didn’t allow him the liberties and freedom that all other young children had. In addition to his strict home situation, he also was experiencing bullying at school. He hated [...]
Dilosh Jayarathna from Trinity College Kandy Pursuing his dream of becoming a Hospitality industry Professional at AAH

Australasian Academy of Hospitality (AAH) the premiere hospitality higher education provider in Sri Lanka has been attracting many students from all parts of the country to follow their Australian Hotel Management programs. Incidentally AAH is the only Australian owned BOI approved higher educational institution in Sri Lanka offering 100% Australian Hospitality Management programs. AAH offers [...]
Shadhini Dilukshini prepares to set sail to UTAS with a 100% Dean of Law’s Merit Scholarship

Shadhini Dilukshini, a product of Ladies College, holder of the 100% scholarship from University of Tasmania for Bachelor of laws, is about to embark on one of the most significant journeys of her life. On successful completion of her A/Levels at Ladies College in 2017 with 2As and 1 B, Shadhini who modestly calls herself [...]
Commence your Medical Education after O/Levels

Career Opportunities in USA, Canada, Australia, UK and Europe International Medical Campus (IMC) the leading medical education pathway provider and the largest medical university placement centre in Sri Lanka, offers an ideal program that prepared O/Level students for International Medical University admission within one years’ time. Local A/Level and Local Medical School Admission has become [...]
Law for Public Schools

Law is a part of our lives and regulates most areas of human behavior. The law states that “ignorance of the law is no excuse” yet authorities responsible for maintaining law and order have not provided for public education of legal rights and duties. Our focus today is on one method of public legal education [...]
Are you planning on applying for the IPC? Here are a few tips that can help you to be a great IPC delegate!

Sri Lanka Model United Nations, best known as SLMUN, is a simulation of the United Nations.In 2008, Sri Lanka Model United Nations was born. Ever since then, it has flourished and taken over the number one spot as the largest student run Model United Nations in the whole of South Asia accompanying over a 100 [...]