After ‘Arsikland’ young musician awaits ‘Grease’

Colombo audiences filled the Wendt for eight nights when ‘Arsikland the Musical’– Feroze Kamardeen’s political satire hit the stage recently. For the key role of music director, Feroze picked a talented young musician, also giving him an interesting spot on stage. NishanthaWarnakulasuriya is the versatile musician, violinist/ pianist and member of the Symphony Orchestra of [...]
Batting for a green globe – Earth Watchman

Cricket has a magical attraction for Sri Lankans. Cricket bats are made of wood (specifically the wood of the Willow tree). Have you ever stopped to think how many trees are cut to make cricket bats? “Earth Watchman” a green project jointly undertaken by AdeZ Sri Lanka (a travel company) and Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation [...]
Unmasking a uniquely Lankan feature

“Sri Lankan masks are a unique feature of our culture,” says Danushi De Silva. For her it is one of the cultural elements that has a link to the history of the country in pre-colonial and colonial times. In her debut photography exhibition, ‘Masks of Sri Lanka: The Face to Face Communication’, her aim is [...]