Home » ColumnsBureaucratic bungling creates problems for foreign journalists

Before he opted for a career in diplomacy, Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha was a media man. So, he knew that like promoting foreign policy objectives of his country, projecting the real image in a crisis situation is as important. This is why, after the April 21 Easter Sunday carnage, he urged Customs Director General P.S.M. [...]
We may have all come on different ships, but we are in the same boat now”

My dear Velu, I am writing to you after a very long time. I thought I should, even though you are now in the Land of Never Return. That is because it is exactly 10 years to the day since you left us, meeting your end in a watery grave at Nanthikadal. You may want [...]
Recovering from terrorist attacks and insecure conditions
The pace and extent of the country’s economic recovery after the Easter Sunday terrorist attacks will depend on how swiftly security is restored and the country made safe. Once there is confidence that such an attack is not likely to recur, the economy could return to its normal levels of economic activity and production. A [...]
As evil returns to Sri Lanka’s streets, who is responsible?
There is much good sense in the assertion by Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church this Friday that despicable communal violence by organised mobs against Muslims in the North Western Province and Minuwangoda a few days earlier was not only politically instigated but also a deliberate attempt to turn public focus away from the shock and horror [...]
The Birth, the Enlightenment and Nirvana of Gautama the Buddha

THE BIRTH Morning had broken. The dawn the world and the heavens had for epochs waited to break upon the land, had finally come to pass. And on that Vesak full moon day over 2500 years ago, in the year 623BC, the rising sun sheds its tender early morn light to reveal the scene [...]
When will they ever learn?

There was a time when those untutored in technological advances were told that it takes just 60 seconds to send a message round the world. Today it must be even quicker, perhaps a few nano seconds or whatever they are called. The irony is this. While communication becomes increasingly speedier it takes so much longer [...]
Sri Lanka caught in the big power conflicts
China worried about growing US influence, Sirisena persuaded by President Xi to come there for talks ACSA with US renewed, but Cabinet only glossed over the 80-page document India also expresses grave concern on why its intelligence warnings were not acted upon and whether South India will also become an IS terror target President and [...]
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