Mission Patch Design Challenge

NASA STEM Engagement and Tynker teamed up to bring the first of three “Moon2Mars” challenges to kids worldwide. Following NASA astronauts’ tradition of designing mission patches, kids were asked to create their own patch for an imaginary spacesuit with code. Thousands of kids rose to the occasion, submitting nearly 10,000 unique and creative animated ‘Forward [...]
Heal the World
‘Heal the World’ was an exhibition showcasing the work of 15 talented artists tutored by Saumya Jayasekera. The 126 paintings on display at the Lionel Wendt Art Gallery from May 30 to June 1, 2019 were later sold and part of the proceeds then donated to the Children’s Ward of the Cancer Hospital [...]
Story time Session held at the British Council

Storytime Session held at the British Council in Colombo on May 25, 2019.
Kids’ World
The butterfly The butterfly is a beautiful flying insect with two wings and two antennas. A butterfly starts out as an egg and grows into a caterpillar. It has three body parts. Butterflies are in different colours and sizes. We find them mostly in flower gardens. When we see a butterfly in the garden, we [...]