WNPS lecture: The climate and us
Dr. Erandathie Lokupitiya
Dr. Erandathie Lokupitiya will deliver the monthly lecture of the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society on ‘Climate Change and our responsibility’ on Thursday, June 20 at 6 p.m. at the Jasmine Hall, BMICH, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7.
The focus on the issue of climate change has increased during the last few decades due to the irreversible impacts it has caused across the world. The response to those impacts includes international, national, and local level action. What responsibility lies ahead of us to minimize the impacts of climate change on future generations and what immediate action is needed to make it a better world? The answers depend on how serious we are about this issue, our attitude/s and our commitment. Although there might be valid global solutions, timely local action may lead to better consequences.
Currently serving as the National Expert for preparation of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory under the Third National Communication by Sri Lanka, Dr. Lokupitiya has a Ph.D. in Ecology, focusing on climate change and estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from Colorado State University, USA. She served as a Research Scientist at the Department of Atmospheric Science of the same university before she joined the University of Colombo in 2012. She is the principal investigator of several national and regional scale projects concerning climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation, greenhouse gas inventorying and carbon footprint analysis
The WNPS lecture is open to all members and non-members, admission free.