Lanka Institute of Fashion Technology (LIFT) held a special Art workshop for their Diploma students last week, in preparation for the French Spring Festival 2019. LIFT dedicated to fashion design, encourage students to develop artistic skills with various workshops, from time to time. These are organised throughout the course, as Fashion design is an artistic [...]


LIFT Students at a workshop with Fabienne Francotte in preparation for the French Spring Festival 2019 “ Exposition de Mode”


Lanka Institute of Fashion Technology (LIFT) held a special Art workshop for their Diploma students last week, in preparation for the French Spring Festival 2019. LIFT dedicated to fashion design, encourage students to develop artistic skills with various workshops, from time to time. These are organised throughout the course, as Fashion design is an artistic science and a scientific Art.

Last week’s workshop was with Ms. Fabienne Francotte, a Belgian Artist, who has a unique technique on art, where she shows distinctive appearances, expressions & gestures of human faces and nature. For her, drawing is seen as a line on a sheet of paper, a language that she speaks, which concentrates on encouragement of self-expression. Facilitating a ‘breath of fresh air’ through art making, exploration and encouragement, Fabienne provides a space for students to confidentially draw outside the lines.

Our students had an enjoyable experience learning to draw and paint their ideas that came out to be beautiful art pieces with their own identity. Dried leaves were used to create different shapes to incorporate different mediums & nature, the students applied paint on the leaves and kept in different angles, discovering creative new patterns.

Fabienne encouraged the students saying that art does not have to be perfect, it’s all about concealing the mistakes and to move on. She also provided space to them to confidentially draw outside the lines. Drawing functions as a safety net, giving them the feeling of being “normal.” Her goal is to combine education, self-esteem, and quality of life in each experience with her students.

The students got inspired by famous artists and their works, then they used different color mediums, oils, thinner etc., to create their artwork. The different faces the students drew, were a tale of distinctive appearances, expressions, and gestures of the faces they identified, through collective images and understanding the emotions in their own way.

These special art pieces were displayed at the “Exposition de mode” which was held at the Institute premises, celebrating the French Spring Festival. You can follow the work done by the students on Facebook Page:

Lanka Institute of Fashion Technology

No.3, Coniston Place,
Colombo 7

Ph: 112554394

Ms. Fabienne Francotte

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