Redefining Post-Graduate Education-Transcend with University of Kelaniya
Dr. Narada Fernando
Dr. Narada Fernando
Dean of the Faculty of Commerce
& Management Studies
University of Kelaniya
University of Kelaniya has been a dynamic force among existing state universities. It is an all-round educational institute which has a diversified portfolio which offers undergraduate/postgraduate qualifications in different disciplines including Commerce & Management Studies.
The Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies of University of Kelaniya commands a dynamic position in the field of business management education in Sri Lanka as an innovative and professional faculty. This faculty offers undergraduate programmes in the streams of Accountancy, Marketing Management, Finance, Human Resources Management and Commerce & Financial Management.
The main responsibility of the faculty is to steer undergraduate programmes in line with the expectations of contemporary business world. Sharing a thought, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, Dr. Narada Fernando said that advanced level students have tremendous opportunities in the faculty once they become eligible to enter University of Kelaniya. As per his views, Post-Advanced Level stage is a confusing stage for many individuals. The decisions taken at each turn affects the overall picture that is being drawn which interprets their future. Every word of professional advice is a holy grail. As he further mentioned “Passing Advanced Levels is a hurdle, but statistics prove that many pass nonetheless. Despite that, those who are fortunate enough to receive university entry are sparse. Advanced Levels mark a paradigm shift, where students take charge of their future.
You should be vigorous and intelligent enough to analyze and interpret your own career expectations. Selection of the custom-made path is pivotal. Once chosen, turning back shouldn’t be an option. It is evident that most prefer to trek down one path and shift lanes either when the going gets tough, or when they simply lose interest. Identify options that suit your existing capacity, and analyze the market demand for the direction that you wish to pursue. Make sure that the demand for your service is profitable in the long run. Thereafter selection of the source of higher education is the first step taken towards maturity. The degree that is chosen must be given priority. In the competitive world, the market expects 2 aspects: education and the exposure.
The MBA Programme offered by the faculty is a two years research-based programme equipped with modern course units and assessment strategies. Throughout the years many students have entered under the universities wing and have left with the timely and demanded qualifications and doctorates. The MBA offered by a state university is an asset to any individual, and the degree offered by University of Kelaniya ensures a better future for students both locally and internationally.
University of Kelaniya is currently engaged in the process of collecting applications for the new intake. The reasons to consider this an invaluable opportunity is in abundance. Master’s qualifications are offered in the majority of the fields imaginable, thus diversifying student options. Extended versions of the already proficient Bachelor’s degrees provided in faculty level further warrant career advancement. Once the MBA is completed students have the option to opt for a DBA of PhD which is the peak of success that can be achieved. Kelaniya MBA is a path for career advancements since it provides invaluable options to unveil potentials of future leaders.
What is expected depends on both professional and academic qualifications wielded by the applicant. A four-year special Bachelor’s degree in different disciplines is the main requirement to enter Kelaniya MBA whilst professional qualifications supported by work experience also increase the chances for admission. Candidates have the luxury to follow a simplified and streamlined process for submitting applications, which can be accessed via the university website.
University of Kelaniya sets high standards when it comes to the selection of those who are entitled to educate its students. The entire University has come to a common agreement to enlist the best lecturers who are adorned with a PhD doctorate in addition to the usually expected MBA and DBA qualification. It has the prestige of showcasing around 40 PhD wielders within the teaching faculty engaged with Kelaniya MBA. The combination of the best internal, external and foreign lecturers ensures that the students received the grandest education, inspiration, motivation and influence imaginable.

Dr. Ravi Dissanayake
Dr. Ravi Dissanayake
MBA Coordinator/ Senior Lecturer
University of Kelaniya
‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. Education alone makes an individual monotonous.
The key is to find equilibrium between education and leisure/entertainment. Kelaniya MBA commends its position in Sri Lanka as “Brand” having its unique differentiation and perception. It believes MBA learning partners as messengers of the brand shinning corporate world with professional impact. University of Kelaniya comprehends the necessity to achieve just that. Students are given the platform to engage in a handful of extracurricular activities that breaks the monotonous nature of potentially monotonous routines. Managerial soft skills development, an interesting entry to the curriculum, focuses on attitude-based exposure and communication enhancement. A combination of external and internal faculty members assists student career development and advancement through confidence development building programmes. Outbound training programmes are organized on the regular occasion targeting team building and team spirit. The privilege to be included in influential foreign tours defines the epitome of exposure that a student receives. Country specific industrial exposure and experience are embedded within the students’ conscience.
During the past tenure, Kelaniya MBA students have had the opportunity to visit countries like China, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Extra elements like these make the post-graduate experience tremendously worthwhile. The 2019 MBA foreign study tour to Vietnam provided priceless opportunities to students to experience the prestige of participating in factory visits of leading brands like Toyota and Samsung.This is what MBA Kelaniya offers as value addition to its learning partners.
The MBA programme awarded by University of Kelaniya is aligned with the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF) confirming its local and global recognition. The curriculum of the programme is composed of 2 defining factors; the coursework and the dissertation. During the entirety of the 24 months (2 years) coursework is expected to be concluded within 18 months. The last semester is entirely dedicated for dissertations where students are advised to interact with supervisors, attend seminars and submit progress reports. MBA students are entitled to conduct either an industry specific or theory-based research/ dissertation. Research skills development workshops are regularly conducted with the intention of prepping the students to face the final hurdle whilst making them competent with the required competencies. Overall, the coursework and the dissertation results measure the progress that the students have achieved. Therefore, University of Kelaniya is a well-recognised entity which offers a research-based MBA in Sri Lanka.
Kelaniya MBA reshaped the format of MBAs in Sri Lanka during the last 13 years of existence of crafting professionals. Dr. Ravi Dissanayake, coordinator of Kelaniya MBA programme proudly stated that MBA Alumni Association of University of Kelaniya actively engages with corporate social responsibilities. Furthermore, professional forums which share information and expertise with the society are conducted. A leadership forum where veterans are expected to share experience is scheduled to be held this year. Likewise, crucial and relevant national issues are addressed through these forums. He proudly concluded that values taught to the students remains intact, even after graduation.
Entering into the University premises gives a sense of serenity through the energy and wisdom that radiates from the students, lecturers and the ever-so-friendly staff. Several students mentioned about the convenience that was offered in order to simplify their studies.
Accommodation of a learning environment rich with sophisticated classroom facilities gives incentives for students to attend lectures willingly. Superior technology investment has given the students all the necessary hardware and software facilities which attempts to promote virtual learning.
Student spirit and satisfaction is hovering in cloud nine due to the pleasant learning environment that is sustained throughout the years. In brief, Kelaniya MBA provides extended benefits to its learning partners via academic, professional and social learning exposures.
The recognition of the degree is the centerpiece. Once qualified, the students have to promote themselves through it and for that you should be proud to wear the degree you earned as a crown. The qualification comes with the burden of shouldering the brand image, and thus embracing the perfect fit eases the weight of the burden.
Life begins at the end of a comfort zone. That has been established through trials and errors of many unfortunate souls.
University of Kelaniya guides its enlisted students to face the harsh reality that lies beyond their levels of comfort and trains them to conquer the threats and embrace the wonders. The structured dissemination of the ideal education and wisdom transcends the stereotypical education system. It is evident that enlisting in the post-graduate programme that is offered by University of Kelaniya is an ideal and strategic investment for a flourishing future.
Kelaniya MBA is shine amongst other MBAs with its well-delivered promise and continuous improvements. It welcomes future leaders to experience the cutting-edge learning resulting “Mad in You” professional brands to lead the nation ahead.