British Council, Colombo Beat Air Pollution Each year the British Council library conducts sessions to raise awareness on rising environmental issues, in a fun and interactive way. This year’s theme for World Environment Day, ‘Air Pollution’, was discussed with some young members, starting with a fun quiz in line with the theme of ‘Air Pollution.’ [...]

Funday Times

Celebrating the Environment at British Council


British Council, Colombo

Beat Air Pollution

Each year the British Council library conducts sessions to raise awareness on rising environmental issues, in a fun and interactive way.

This year’s theme for World Environment Day, ‘Air Pollution’, was
discussed with some young members, starting with a fun quiz in line with the theme of ‘Air Pollution.’

Galina Pereira our story reader for the month kept the young group busy raising their hands continuously to grab a gift for the correct answer, followed by reading of  ‘The Curious Garden’ by Peter Brown.

The programme held on June 22, 2019, concluded with a craft session
and planting of seeds to focus the young minds on the value of plants to the environment.

British Council, KandyThe British Council, Kandy conducted several events throughout the month of June, to raise awareness of environmental issues.
On June 8, it was story time for the Young Learners. On June 15,
a presentation was conducted by the Green Team Kandy and the Clean River project team, Kandy on environment pollution with special emphasis on the pollution in Kandy city.On June 22, the library partnered with Earth Bound Creations to conduct an event for Young Learners with handmade, recycled paper. The kids made greeting cards with envelopes for their family and were also shown how to make a bag. They were provided with a bag to take home. During the course of the workshop they were taught how to minimize wastage and how to make use of the smallest piece of paper inculcating a habit of preserving nature.

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