Sri Lankan Railway revealed as one of most beautiful sleeper trains in world

Travelling by sleeper train has long been a glamorous and exciting way to see the world – allowing one to fall asleep in one country and wake up in another feeling refreshed and ready to explore. But which sleeper trains are the best value? If you’re looking for a sleeper train that won’t break the [...]
Political somersaulting of patriotic candidates

Doublespeak Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the widely tipped Pohottuwa candidate, was convalescing at a Singapore Hospital after a heart by-pass operation, it has been reported. A bunch of the faithful from the Pohottuwa had gone all the way to Singapore to see his progress and wish him well. Such visits by second eleven leaders to prospective leaders [...]
Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps Reunion at the Laya Beach Hotel, Wadduwa

Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps members had a reunion recently at the Laya Beach Hotel in Wadduwa. This gathering was an informal meeting among fellow cadres who have been in service for a long time and at various levels. This idea of a Reunion was the brainchild of Lt. Col. Kamal Hathamuna who had been [...]
Road repairs in Borella

A road renovation programme was launched recently in Borella by the area’s UNP organiser Jayantha de Silva, who is also the founder of the Pragna Pradeepa foundation. Mr. de Silva is seen at a renovation site.
Birth control without mothers’ consent: It is a violation of women’s rights

Complaints that a doctor attached to the Kurunagela General Hospital has allegedly carried out arbitrary sterilization have created a controversy. Therefore, it is timely to analyse the issue from a legal perspective. When there is a medical necessity to operate on a patient, a surgeon must explain it to the patient and get the consent [...]
Book on WWI handed over to Security forces’ chiefs
Dr. Prashantha Perera’s book “First world War 1914-1919 “ was handed over to Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne , Army Commander Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayaka, Navy Commander Vice Admiral Piyal de Silva and Air Force Commander Air Marshal Sumangala Dias.
Workshop on FTZ

Working conditions and industrial relation in Sri Lanka’s free trade zones need to be improved, an expert told a multi-stakeholders workshop on occupational health hazards held last year at the Gateway Hotel in Katunayake. This year, too, the expert, Dr. Sandya Hewamanna will address a workshop for the Biyagama zone factory officials and workers, on [...]
Shri Vijayarama Medical camp draws large crowd

A blood donation campaign and a medical camp were held on Thursday at Shri Vijayarama in Gangodawila on Thursday to mark the 53rd birthday of Rajamahaviaharadhipathi Vinayacharya Saddarmakeerthi Shri Amunumulle Jinarathana Thera and to invoke blessings on the Easter Sunday blast victims. The Dayaka Sabhawa of the temple, Punyodhaya Upasika society, Yashodhara Kulangana Society, Dharma [...]
Why Palestinians reject 50 billion dollar ‘Deal of the Century’

NEW YORK (IDN) – A workshop entitled ‘Peace for Prosperity’ to introduce the United States President Donald Trump’s Peace Plan (also known as the ‘Deal of the Century’) for the Palestinians, was held in Bahrain on June 25-26 – hosted by Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner. According to Kushner, the deal includes: $50 billion [...]
Justifying death penalty by exception

I read with interest several articles and statements issued by human rights defenders, civil organisations and some Western nations on the death penalty. The controversy appears to have disturbed a hornet’s nest both locally and internationally in the wake of the President’s decision to reactivate death penalty. Almost all of them have tried to justify [...]
Reminiscing DEW’s days at Inland Revenue
During the 1960s and 1970s Dew was a well-known and popular figure in the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). I first came to know him when I joined the IRD as an investigating officer. Incidentally the first time we met each other, someone introduced him and I heard his name as Duke. I felt that it [...]
In praise of demographic decline
LONDON – Every two years, the United Nations issues its latest estimate of future population trends. Its 2019 projection reveals a stark divide. Across all of Asia, Europe, and the Americas, population stability has already been achieved or soon will be, with the median projection suggesting an increase from 6.4 billion today to 6.5 billion [...]