The ‘street food’ we consume
View(s):Farmers undergo untold hardships to obtain a successful harvest of their crops. They must then make their way to a market to try and sell their produce, which is a hardhip in itself. At the very least, one would expect that they will be provided with an area to properly sell their produce.

Story and pix by Ishanka Sunimal
The appalling state of this market in Gunasinghapura, Pettah, where farmers bring their produce to sell, shows just how poorly they are treated.
Space is severely limited for the sheer number of vendors who are selling their produce.
Cleanliness is non-existent. Much of the produce is simply dumped on the ground. There is nothing to prevent crows from feeding on everything.
Simply put, the market is filthy and a health hazard. Both customers and farmers deserve better.

Not so fresh fruits

Not such a healthy option afterall

Food at our feet

Leaves, which we often consume raw or lightly cooked, are stacked near garbage

Barefoot in the melee