NSSF starts aiming for medals at SAF with advanced programme
Rtd. Maj. Gen. Kenneth Edema
The National Shooting Sports Federation of Sri Lanka (NSSF) conducted an orientation programme to educate its shooters on upcoming international events and to explain its expectations from the global events. Retired Major General Kenneth Edema, a prominent former national shooter now in-charge of NSSF’s activities as Programme Coordinator, explaining the objective of the orientation programme for local national shooters, said that the whole process is to work collectively and look for possible inroads to win medals at upcoming international events.
“All top ranked and potential national shooters were gathered last month, to give them the guideline on their targets and our vision for the upcoming South Asian Federation (SAF) Games and other international events. The NSSF made a comprehensive analysis prior to the gathering, and all shooters were given a good understanding on what is expected. If you take the previous SAF, Sri Lanka was placed third in shooting sports. India is obviously a country that is progressing strongly at international stage, but we have the potential to match-up with Pakistan. Our objective at the Nepal SAF is to claim the overall second slot,” Maj. Gen. Edema stated.
The NSSF conducted a trial event soon after having its first meeting with the shooters, in order to kick-start their projected goals. Edema termed the First Trial an almost hundred percent success with its outcomes showing greater promise.

Explaining the local shooters on NSSF's expectations for upcoming International events - Pix by M.D. Nissanka
“The First Trial is a 90 percent success, overall. Around six shooters were almost touching national standards, and others have the potential to reach that standard. The training programme was collective, and the feedback from the participants was positive and overwhelming. This is the first time such an output is given by the NSSF, with all – the administration and shooters — aiming for one goal,” he added.
Following the success of the First Trial, the NSSF will go ahead with its second instalment of trials scheduled for August 4 at the Naval Range in Welisara, coupled up with the NSSF Open Meet. The First Trial had nearly 50 shooters trying out their targets for one of the 20 slots available for the SAF 2019, with its organisers deciding to add more events in shooting sports.
“We expect around 55 shooters or more to take part in the Second Trial and the third and final trial, scheduled for the first week of September. For now I can clearly say that our objective is moving in a positive direction. The shooters are advancing in an upward trend and with the NSSF Open Meet taking place simultaneously with the Second Trial, I personally and strongly feel that a few national records could be easily renewed, notably by the young shooters,” banking on his experience as a former national shooter, Edema went on to say.
With a mixture of experience and mostly youth, the NSSF is currently forging ahead with its planned objectives. Supporting Edema, who overlooks the Rifle discipline, is Gamini Walgama, who overlooks the Pistol events. To assist the cause NSSF recently appointed national coaches, former Airman D.M. Chandana for pistols and Indunil Pussella for rifles.

The coaching staff
“The NSSF could not rely on other channels to assist the appointment of national coaches, so eventually we decided to interview from the local set of coaches and appoint one each for rifles and pistols. As I said, this time NSSF is more organised unlike yesteryear, planning and organising is all up-to-date with training taking place in Welisara and Kohuwala, where the junior shooters are mostly engaged. The NSSF has also given the freedom for shooters to make use of their individual coaches but under the guidance of the two national coaches. It’s a project of comprehensive and collective work,” Edima explained.
Despite their efforts, the NSSF is facing a slightly hostile situation with limited ammunition, after the recent restrictions imposed following the Easter Sunday Terror Attacks. Shooting sports in Sri Lanka is one outside entity that paid a heavy price despite being a harmless sport.
“But we are responsible for bringing glory for the country, come what may. The NSSF has somehow managed to address the situation, so that we could manage with the available ammunition until the programme is over,” Edima stated.
Soon after the Third and final Trial, the NSSF will commence pool practices for the selected shooters, who will take part in SAF 2019. By the end of the first week of September the NSSF will announce the final squad of 20, who will compete under nine categories in Men’s and Women’s in Rifle and Pistol events. The SAF organisers have given the green light for participating nations to field three shooters each for events, giving Sri Lanka ample chances of claiming medals.
“Prior to SAF, Sri Lanka will take part in the Asian Shooting Championship in Qatar in November. We will have three more weeks before the SAF, and that will be good exposure for our selected shooters. The President and the General Secretary of NSSF have gone out of their way to make all these things possible and with the current standards, we can hope for something really good at SAF,” a hopeful Edema said.