Don’t let them switch off solar power supply

According to news items during the first week of June 2019, the “Surya Bala Sangramaya” programme launched in 2016 seems to be on the verge of collapse. The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and the Ministry of Power & Energy (MPE) officials are considering not to approve rooftop PV connections over 50 kW capacities until further [...]
How the Mighty become the Fallen!
I have been intrigued by the recent political goings on in Britain – where that man with wildly dishevelled blond hair, Boris Johnson (who has been described as someone who “lies with such flagrant compulsion and cannot differentiate between his own lies and reality”) has become prime minister What was even more intriguing than Boris [...]
Virakesari Journalist Robert wins South Asia Economic Integration Summit Contest

Robert Anthony, news editor of the Virakesari newspaper, emerged victorious in the South Asia Economic Integration Summit Contest. His article titled ‘Economic integration is key to alleviating poverty, unemployment and tensions in the SAARC region’ was adjudged the winner and awarded the first prize. More than 60 journalists from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Nepal [...]
National Book Fair at Public Library

The Colombo Municipal council held the National Book Fair for the 12 consecutive year at the Public Library premises last week. Pragna Pradeepa Foundation chairman Jayantha de Silva, who was a special invitee, is seen here lighting the traditional oil lamp during the opening ceremony.
Remembering Hasalaka Gamini

A ceremony was held at the Tourism Ministry auditorium recently in memory of Corporal Gamini Kularatne. He was well known as Hasalaka Gamini for his sacrifice during the Elephant Pass siege in 1991. Speaker Karu Jayasuriya was the chief guest. Picture shows former Provincial Minister Lawrence Madiwala handing over a special memento from President Maithripala [...]
Help Chirayu live

Nine-year-old Chirayu Katugampola who has been diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) in blast crisis by the National Cancer Institute in Maharagama, has undergone a bone marrow transplant at the Apollo Hospital in India but needs further treatment there every three months. With much difficulty, Chirayu’s parents were able to collect the US$ 26,000 for [...]
World affairs in post-modern diplomacy: Science and Politics
The 2019 Shelton Kodikara Memorial Oration will be delivered by Prof. Veranja Karunarathne, Vice Chancellor, SLINTEC Academy and Senior Professor of Chemistry, University of Peradeniya, on August 6 at the Lavender Room, BMICH, Colombo, at 5 pm. The title of the oration is: “World Affairs in Post-Modern Diplomacy: Science and Politics”. The Shelton Kodikara Memorial [...]
The dangerous delusion of optimal global warming
LONDON – The United Kingdom is now legally committed to reduce net greenhouse-gas emissions to zero by 2050. Opponents in Parliament argued for more cost-benefit analysis before making such a commitment; and Nobel laureate economist William Nordhaus argues that such analysis shows a much slower optimal pace of reduction. The 2015 Paris climate agreement seeks [...]