When it comes to selling, there are countless approaches you can take. In fact, at most organizations, you can find dozens of different sales strategies being implemented on the same sales team. Does this sound like your sales team? Are you and your sales colleagues just winging it when it comes to your selling strategy? If so, you’re not alone. Thousands [...]


SALES HEROES – By Master Trainer Kuma Iddamallena

“Today the question is not how to sell, but how to sell better and how to survive during challenging times!

When it comes to selling, there are countless approaches you can take. In fact, at most organizations, you can find dozens of different sales strategies being implemented on the same sales team.

Does this sound like your sales team? Are you and your sales colleagues just winging it when it comes to your selling strategy?

If so, you’re not alone. Thousands of sales people out there have no idea what strategy works best for them, they’re winging it every day, without a clear sense of why they’re doing what they’re doing, they don’t know the best sales habits they should adopt and how to close more sales.

Dr Kuma says he designed the  “SALES HEROES” , to cater to personality types of different individuals in Sri Lanka whilst formulating a syllabus which will teach sales people how to develop their skills.

The 2-day programme is primarily a Practical Activity Oriented training programme which will groom the personality of sales people while teaching on how to deal with people effectively. It will completely change the personality of the individual whilst helping instill courage, confidence.

Apart from learning all the aspects of selling psychology, Mind Power and Mind Set Training, the programme covers topics on attitude training, motivation, morale boosting and will specially teach The Selling Process which will be key feature of the program.

The Sales Heroes training programme will also help you

n    Learn the Magic of Thinking Big.

n    How to set and achieve worthwhile and valuable goals.

n    Improve your communication skills; be more specific, persuasive and inspiring.

n    Manage your time. Prioritize your work.

n    Make more progress with less effort.

n    Handle difficult people and conflict situations with more skill and confidence.

n    Master your own emotions. Gain greater self-awareness. Develop more Emotional Intelligence Inspire others to become more optimistic. Help them to become more productive.

Master Trainer Kuma Iddamallena has been teaching and training over 3 million people in Sri Lanka and around the world for the past 30 years. Money, Business & You (MBY), Highlight Leaders/Business Leaders Training Club, Money Secrets, Business Secrets ,Certified Leadership Practitioner(CLP) are some of the special programmes he has created and conducted to support the business community in Sri Lanka.

Dr. Kuma Iddamallena is also a specialist in Personality Training, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Master Trainer of Mind Muscle Vibration Therapy (MMVT).

WISDOM TRAINER International announces that the next “Sales Heroes” programme will be conducted in the month of September. Any public, private or corporate organization can nominate their members for this program. Please call our WISDOM TRAINER Hotline today on 011 4 301 301 / 0778 401 301 to reserve your seat or for any further information. You can also visit our website


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