Elephants are one of the much-awaited sights at the Kandy Dalada perahera and with the selection of fit and healthy elephants for the perahera being his responsibility, veterinarian and elephant expert Prof. Ashoka Dangolla is concerned over the dwindling number of captive elephants. Speaking to the Sunday Times he notes that elephants are a prominent [...]


Veterinarian raises questions over dwindling number of captive elephants for peraheras


Elephants are one of the much-awaited sights at the Kandy Dalada perahera and with the selection of fit and healthy elephants for the perahera being his responsibility, veterinarian and elephant expert Prof. Ashoka Dangolla is concerned over the dwindling number of captive elephants.

Speaking to the Sunday Times he notes that elephants are a prominent feature in religious pageants. “Therefore, if we are to continue these cultural practices, we have to find a solution.”

“How many elephants are needed for the pageant? In years gone by, there were around 80-100 elephants. Currently, there are only about 100 in captivity. The number is dwindling due to environmental factors, problems with ownership, sickness and death of elephants due to negligence etc.”

But elephants are not disappearing from the jungles. The Government has to be responsible for the wild elephants, he believes.

Prof. Dangolla has many suggestions. “The Government has to play a significant role in deciding whether captive elephants are needed. If yes, how many and who should own and manage them. How to maintain such minimum numbers are questions that the Government must address.They have to take a firm stance and recommend the desired minimum number of elephants for the pageant. The ownership of these elephants could be with the Government and they have to look after them.When needed for cultural events, they can be loaned.”

The Kandy Dalada Perahera reaches its grand climax on August 14 with the Day Perahera on the 15th.

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