Dressing up the favoured ones

Two magnificent bull elephants chomp kitul trunks in torpid indulgence in the afternoon near Kandy Lake, lazily enjoying this natural state, ears flapping, till the dusk brings mahouts to tog them up. They are Miyan-Raja and Buruma-Raja, gifts from Myanmar to the Kandy Dalada Maligawa. Two perfect storybook specimens- with the much valued, dotted fading [...]
Clothes for thought

Her mother had imparted to her the wisdom of picking her battles and Bollywood actress Evelyn Sharma visiting Colombo last week as one of the keynote speakers at Colombo Fashion Week’s Responsible Fashion Summit proudly claimed that ‘fashion was her battle’. As a strong advocate of giving back to society and sustainable fashion, Evelyn spoke [...]
Letters to the Editor

What a shame at this World Heritage site! I was horrified and aghast at the manner in which the Kudawa entrance to the Sinharaja Forest Reserve has been so neglected. It is so decrepit. And here we are post-Easter carnage imploring tourists to come back again. Visit us! But, nobody is really interested in what [...]

Looking back on those English lessons at school with pride Jean Arasanayagam Dr. Jean Arasanayagam is no more! It is the passing of one of the greatest personalities who ever turned to teaching in a secondary school as a career. She should have been a Professor in a University but her correspondence with me shows [...]
Soul and the city

If you want to see the soul of a city, turn to its artists. One Won, the art arm of the Celebrate Colombo festival opened on August 6 at the Stables with dreams of integration, a rallying cry for oneness as a winning formula from 40 contemporary visual artists. It was also an unprecedented showing [...]
Resort wear with a youthful spin

CFW’s Olu Swim Week Colombo 2019 kicked off its runway segments at the Hilton Colombo on August 8 with the ‘Emerging Designer Showcase’ featuring seven young designers presenting their own spin on swim and luxury resort wear. Marlon Rae’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ inspired collection opened the show. With a simple monochromatic palette and print design [...]
Grand reception for French Day

Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka and the Maldives Eric Lavertu and Mrs Annie Foray hosted a grand recption at the Colombo Hilton Ballroom to mark the French National Day on July 14.
Swiss Day in style

With music, entertainment and food, Swiss National Day was celebrated at Ambassador Hanspeter Mock’s Residence on Gregory’s Road, Colombo 7 on August 1.
89 is just a number for this tuk driver

Age is just a number for someone who is confident of his abilities. Patrick Perera, at the age of 89 does not hesitate to drive at any time of the day and proudly proclaims that he knows most of the roads both in and out of Colombo having been a tuk driver for nearly 25 [...]
Jacqueline here with friends for Cinnamon’s BAFH campaign

Bollywood star and former Miss Sri Lanka, Jacqueline Fernandez is visiting Sri Lanka this month as the first guest under Cinnamon’s ‘Bring a Friend Home’ (BAFH) campaign. This initiative by Cinnamon is to encourage Sri Lankans living here and overseas as well as expats in the country to nominate their foreign friends to visit the [...]
Go Lankan with crispy kokis, jumbu socks

It’s time to let your socks strike up conversations with the ‘Truly Sri Lankan’ pattern collection from MAZE. Drawing inspiration from everything that makes Sri Lanka special, Maze has create a truly Sri Lankan range of that include the crispy Kokis, the Jambu fruit (Rose Apple), the TukTuk and breezy Coconut Trees. All MAZE socks [...]