The importance of learning governance in school

A well read and popular writer, Ranga Jayasuriya, ended a recent article with the Churchillian quotation “Democracy is the worst form of government until you study all others.” So absolutely true! But the important angle here is that citizens of a country must have a smattering (at least) of their own form of government before [...]
A close encounter with awe-inspiring insects

The book starts with a general introduction to the insects which are members (Class: Insecta) of Phylum Arthropoda, the most diverse group of animals known so far. It goes on to document the major orders of insects that were photographed by Roman Prokhorov with concise and interesting text accompanying each. The beetles (Order: Coleoptera) have [...]
Dr. Kumaratne launches Simple Prescriptions

It was a gathering of old Royalists and distinguished alumni of the University of Colombo, when Dr. Mohan Kumaratne launched his book Simple Prescriptions: Reflections of a Sri Lankan Expatriate Physician. The pediatrician based in California has put together this collection of essays with a versatile veteran’s flair- covering political, social and medical issues relevant [...]
Fr. Michael marks 25 years in priesthood
Rev. Fr. Michael Sandanam (OSB) celebrates his Silver Jubilee of priestly ordination today. He was born in the beautiful hill country in a place called Delta, filled with a lusty green surrounding situated near a city called Pussellawa on the 22nd of February 1967 as the eighth child to Late Anthonymuthu Sandanam and Madalamuthu Arul. [...]
Students receive certificates for GFS-conducted English course

The first two batches of students who participated in the “English for Employment Prospects” World Project of the Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS) received their certificates from the chief guest Rt. Rev. Dhiloraj Canagasabey, Bishop of Colombo, at a ceremony held on July 27 at the GFS Headquarters in Colombo. The study course was conducted by [...]
Shelton Kodikara Memorial Oration explores science-politics connection

Prof. Veranja Karunaratne (fourth from right) before he delivered his keynote speech The 2019 Shelton Kodikara Memorial Oration organised by the Colombo-based Regional Centre for Strategic Studies was delivered by SLINTEC Academy Vice Chancellor and senior Chemistry Professor Veranja Karunaratne on Tuesday at the BMICH. The Kodikara Memorial Oration was established by RCSS in 2015 [...]
Samantha assumes duties as Lanka’s ambassador for Thailand
Samantha K. Jayasuriya, Ambassador-designate to Thailand, assumed duties at the Sri Lanka Embassy on Thursday. Addressing the staff members, she said she would take measures to further strengthen the cordial relations between Sri Lanka and Thailand through cultural and religious ties, trade, investment, tourism and partnerships in technical cooperation. Ms. Jayasuriya is a career diplomatic [...]
Narendra Modi’s New-Model India
NEW DELHI – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi likes to practise what American generals call “shock and awe.” The last time Modi stunned the country – and was initially applauded for his decisiveness and bold vision – was when he announced, on a few hours’ notice, the demonetisation of 96% (in value) of India’s currency. [...]