Endometriosis: Don’t suffer in silence

Break the silence – this should not be a hush-hush subject with girls and women suffering alone. This was the strong message delivered from the podium of the auditorium of the De Soysa Hospital for Women in Colombo by a powerful group of Gynaecologists & Obstetricians gathered there to launch a full-scale battle against endometriosis. [...]
Snack smart when you next snack

Who does not have those mid-morning and mid-afternoon cravings for a snack? When your stomach starts to rumble, it is best to curb your hunger without blowing up your blood sugar. It will of course take a little effort– some slicing and dicing rather than simply ripping open a bag of chips or reaching for [...]
It is a miracle

Prof. Raveen Hanwella discusses the ‘miracle question’, a key component of Solution Focused Therapy in psychology Impossible situations can become possible miracles. -Robert H. Schuller You are wrestling with a seemingly insoluble problem. One day you go to sleep and a miracle happens and your problem goes away. When you wake up the next day how [...]
When the sea stings

In this interview with Dr. Malik Fernando, who is not only a medical doctor but also a diver and naturalist, MediScene looks at the creatures lurking in the sea (marine stingers) and what could happen if humans come into contact with them. Some who get into the sea, whether for that tempting swim amidst the [...]
Gut feelings and the perils of Socrates

The ward round has been completed. We have seen and discussed several patients who had bowel (colon) resections. As this is also the weekly teaching round we have the usual complement of training registrars, residents and medical students. I send them off to get coffee, and we reconvene in the tutorial room next to the [...]