A timely conference on bridging the elements of biodiversity

The Global Climate Risk 2017 Index prepared by German environmental policy think-tank Germanwatch has identified Sri Lanka as the second most country affected by the impacts of climate-related loss events (storms, floods, heat waves etc.), the first being the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. Since 2003, more than 200 people have lost their lives, 600,000 [...]
Pakistan’s literacy problem
ISLAMABAD – In every country, literacy has been essential to support a wide range of social and development goals, from political participation to good health outcomes. Among literate mothers, infant mortality rates drop significantly. Children from low-literacy areas, by contrast, not only do worse at school, and hence have fewer economic opportunities, but also have [...]
The rise of the unelected

History has shown us that when dynasties come to power, nepotism rules. Members of the extended family, chuck-golayaas and old school friends rise to power, being appointed to positions for which they are not trained or qualified and to which they could never aspire even in their wildest dreams. Money and connections matter while qualifications [...]
Accountability and responsibility for April 21 attacks: People want answers
Four long months have passed since the April 21 Easter Sunday attacks by some Muslim extremists on three churches and two hotels. Up to now, though several arrests have been made and the CID has diligently investigated into the attack, there has been no clear outcome as to who was responsible, whether there was any [...]
Through the mists of time emerges the portrait of a school and Ceylon’s colonial society
A faded print of a group of young men adorns the burgundy jacket of The History of Royal College. They stand under Gothic arches with a patina of ivy. These are the young authors of the book- 20 young Royalists who produced between them the first biography of the school in 1931. In the attempt, [...]
“Sailed I on Life Like a Lark in the Sky”: Namel’s autobiography takes wing

Namel and Malini Weeramuni have always had a unique flair. Their magnified anthill of a theatre is probably the biggest monument to their individuality. But they have done so much more. On Saturday, August 31, it was time to celebrate Namel’s odyssey of a life- on the evening when the thespian turned 85, and his [...]
Young author’s lyrical romance
Thee Ha Tha, author Surath de Mel’s latest novel, was launched recently. The novel has been praised as a work of fiction that boldly breaks out of the Victorian mould of romances. It has been called a ‘real romance’ full of real human feelings like jealousy, lust, hatred and even innocence”. The young author has [...]
Military chiefs take part in Pakistan HC celebrates

To celebrate the 54th Defence Day of Pakistan, the High Commission of Pakistan held a reception on Thursday in Colombo. Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary, Gen. Shantha Kottegoda was the chief guest. The Pakistan High Commission’s Defence Advisor, Col. Sajjad Ali, in his welcome address highlighted the role of Pakistani armed forces in eliminating the scourge [...]
Muslim League Youth Fronts conduct workshop

The All Ceylon Union of Muslim League Youth Fronts held a workshop recently for its district-level leaders to support their work plans covering topics such as education, social work, religious harmony, youth and political participation. Former Minister and Past President Imthiaz Bakeer Markar made a special address at the event.
Sri Lanka’s envoy presents credentials to Indonesian President
Ambassador Yasoja Gunasekera presented Letters of Credence to Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta accrediting her as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to Indonesia. Ambassador Gunasekera conveyed to President Widodo warm greetings from President Maithripala Sirisena and expressed Sri Lanka’s interest in further strengthening the multi-faceted relations which [...]
A great patriot worthy of emulation
It is with great sorrow that the Sri Lanka Medical Association announces the death of Prof Carlo Fonseka, an intellectual legend of our times. He was undoubtedly one of the greatest medical personalities who walked the portals of the Colombo Medical School in its glorious history of one hundred and fifty years. Prof Carlo was [...]
I think therefore I am not
The classic statement “I think therefore I am” is based on the assumption that in order to think there must be a thinker. I would like to present an alternate view point which shows that the classic statement has an inherent contradiction. We take that the external world has an independent external existence. This view [...]
To Professor with love
Rattaran duve, apey rattaran duve, Obayi diviya artavat keley. Giyadaa patan igila kurulu kooduven Santhosayak naeae sithey. Our daughter, our beloved daughter, It’s you who brought meaning to my life; The day you flew away from our nest You took away the joy of my life. Naevatha enna duve, Naevatha enna duve, Igilalaa giye samu [...]
Goodbye my good teacher, you are truly a ‘Bodhisattva’!
It is with the deepest of regret that I record the sad demise of Prof. Carlo Fonseka. In 1962, and as a medical student, fortune smiled on me when I had this great man, as a lecturer and tutor in physiology at the Faculty of Medicine in Colombo. He was an erudite gentleman and his [...]
A man of the people and advocate of national unity
Passionate in his noble thoughts with an undying belief in unity for the sake of peace, coexistence and above all the development of the nation, Deshamanya Al Haj Mohammed Abdul Bakeer Markar was a prominent lawyer, a formidable politician and a loving family man who has left his mark in every Sri Lankan’s heart. It [...]