Sura Festival 2019
Ms Tomoko Fujihira (Executive Officer Overseas Business Development) awarding KEISAN KING” quiz comppetetion at Surala Math Calculation
Company Details:
As the first E-learning company in Sri Lanka, Next Learners (Pvt) Ltd. has been providing Japanese Math E-Learning programme named “SuRaLa Ninja!”. Since 2015 by collaborating with a leading education technology company “SuRaLa Net Co.,Ltd” in Japan, we have started distributing the programme which has initially been operated as a public-private cooperation project partnering with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Accordingly, it has expanded the operation, and currently about 20 schools have been installing with “SuRaLa Ninja!”.
The programme is aimed to strengthen a most important fundamental ability of Mathematics – calculation skill – for children in Grade 1 to 6. By taking advantage of Japanese technology, it enables children to have an individual and personalized learning opportunity. In addition to Sri Lanka, it has become popular in many countries; Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippine, India and will to start its operations in Egypt recently.
About Surala box calculation math contest and Surala festival:
Developing the contents of “SuRaLa Ninja!” E-learning programme, Next Learners (Pvt) Ltd. has commenced SuRaLa Maths Box Calculation Contest (Dalisa Contest) since 2017 in Colombo area. This summer, it will be held in island wide. The preliminary round of the contest was held in selected schools in Colombo, Gampaha, Galle, Kandy, Kurunegala and Ratnapura districts. The winners were qualified to participate in the final round of the contest & SuRaLa Festival, was held Sunday, from 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm, 15th September at BMICH in Colombo. In SuRaLa Festival, the math card game and the traditional Japanese games were open for all participants. Nearly 700 Students and parents were enjoyed these games.
Supporting Body:
A series of these events is supported by “Edu-Port Japan”, an official authorized Education project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

From Left to right : Ms Tomoko Fujihira (Executive Officer Overseas Business Development), Ms. Hoshiai Chiharu - First secretary Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka, Ms Darshi Vaidyathilake (Assistant Director of Education Department of Mathematics), Mr Nandasiri Gamage (Founder, Women’sCooperative Sri Lanka) with Kids who won the awords
Chief Guests :
- Ms. Hoshiai Chiharu - First secretary Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka
- Ms.Darshi Waidyathilake –Assistant Director of education department of mathematics
- Mr.Nandasiri Gamage – Founder of Women’s co-corporation Sri Lanka
Total Number of participants: more than 700 students and Parents
100 Box calculation:
- 1st Place : G Pinidi Upunya – Yashodara B V colomboThalahena JUKU
- 2nd Place : Sarasi Bandara – Clifton B V Colombo
- 3rd Place : Dilini Pabasari – Akmeemana MW Galle
50 Box calculation:
- 1st Place : Muvindu Demika Liyanage St.anthonys Kandy
- 2nd Place : Sanithu Dinhas Perera – Sumedha college Gampaha
- 3rd place: Lithum randula Epa – Mahinda college Galle
Surala Festival
Participants enjoyed following games during Surala Festival.
- Japanese math card game
- Japanese traditional games
- Surala e-learning demonstration
- Virtual Reality (VR) experience