Extinction Rebellion Sri Lanka will hold a peaceful demonstration on October 6 at 4 p.m at Vihara Maha Devi Park, as part of the global climate strike occuring throughout the world. With the goal of spreading awareness on the climate crisis, Extinction Rebellion Sri Lanka welcomes anyone who cares about the fate of the planet [...]


Join us to save our planet now, says Extinction Rebellion


Extinction Rebellion
Sri Lanka will hold a peaceful demonstration on October 6 at 4 p.m at Vihara Maha Devi Park, as part of the global climate strike occuring throughout the world. With the goal of spreading awareness on the climate crisis, Extinction Rebellion Sri Lanka welcomes anyone who cares about the fate of the planet to join their peaceful demonstration and urges them to use recycled materials to write their slogans to avoid pollution.

Founded by Rachel Chanmugam in July this year, the movement welcomes all who share Extinction Rebellion’s values.

“We want to highlight the urgency of taking action. As a small island, there are number of issues we face, including problems with waste management, ocean pollution, deforestation and many more. Even though there are policies in place to address these, they take time to be implemented and monitored. During the protest we will showcase how making informed choices can contribute to the future of the planet. This is no longer a problem we can hope to be solved in the future. This is happening in the present, and we need to act now!” says Melani Gunathilaka, a member of the group.

Extinction Rebellion has so far held a peaceful demonstration in Kandy organised by Savindie Abeyratna and Ilija Klimoski from Green Life Generation. “Once we expand we hope to have subgroups to tackle individual issues like plastic pollution, marine pollution, fast fashion, deforestation, forest fires, etc.” Melani adds.

For more information about Extinction Rebellion Sri Lanka visit https://twitter.com/XRebellionSL?s=09 or https://www.facebook.com/ExctinctionRebellionSL/.

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