The Nawagamuwa-Mapitigama bridge over the Kelani River, used by a large number of people on a daily basis, has become a virtual death-trap because of shoddy construction work. The bridge connects Kaduwela to Hanwela, the alternate roadway traverses a distance of 20 km. The bridge is so narrow, it is not wide enough to accommodate [...]


A death-trap over the Kelani


The Nawagamuwa-Mapitigama bridge over the Kelani River, used by a large number of people on a daily basis, has become a virtual death-trap because of shoddy construction work.

A huge base and a tiny bridge. Who is responsible?

The bridge connects Kaduwela to Hanwela, the alternate roadway traverses a distance of 20 km.

The bridge is so narrow, it is not wide enough to accommodate even a single pedestrian when a vehicle passes.

Already two persons have drowned after falling tinto the river attempting to make way for passing vehicles.

An individual who fell in the river recently, was swept downriver for over a km, before being rescued.

Area residents appeal to the authorities to take action even at this late stage before more innocent people are made to pay with their lives.

Story and pix by Neil Siriweera.

A picture speaks more than a thousand words. What would happen to this little girl if a bigger vehicle passed?












This bridge is just wide enough for a 3-wheeler to squeeze through

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