Trinity College classical orchestra of the Oriental Music Society wins 1st place
View(s):The classical orchestra of the Oriental Music Society -Trinity College Kandy won the first place in the annual all island music and drama competition organised by the ministry of education in the year 2018.
The item received *wishistathama angaya* award in the awarding ceremony held at the national college of education, on the 8th of October 2019.

Standing left to right K.Anthonydas (Vice Principal -Trinity College Kandy) H.S.J Threemavithane (Secretary/Orchestra Leader 2019 Committee) U. Edhirisinghe (M.I.C-O.M.S)

Standing left to right M.J.Premawardhana(Vice President 2018 Committee) U.Edhirisinghe (Master In charge Oriental Music Society) Andrew Fowler-Watt (Principal -Trinity College Kandy)B.C.Wijesinghe (Secretary 2018 Committee)