Home » ColumnsPolls chief clashes with Hoole on postal voting

When it comes to issues, National Election Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya is one who brooks no nonsense. Not even when it emanates from a fellow Commission member like Prof. S. Ratnajeevan Hoole. On Thursday, at a news conference, he showed how tough he could be when it comes to nitty gritties. The event was ending [...]
SLFP’s Charge of the Light Brigade

The Patron Saint of the SLFP chapter and the Party’s former President of Sri Lanka twice over, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga flew home from her London base last week after receiving an SOP – Save Our Party – text message from senior party stalwart, Kumara Welgama. The man from Kalutara, the 68-year-old Welgama had been keeping [...]
His days are numbered

Aiyo Sirisena, I thought of writing to you because this will probably be the last time we will write to you as the man in charge. Soon, you will be the retired big boss who promised so much and delivered so little. Now, your days are really numbered: thirteen more to go before you yourself [...]
Post-election political stability crucial for economic recovery

In two weeks’ time a new President will be in office. A period of political stability is essential to resolve the formidable economic challenges facing the country. Even a short period of political anarchy could aggravate the nation’s economic problems. Political stability after the election is an immediate requirement for economic recovery. This is only [...]
This land of glorious promise and perpetual failures

As Sri Lanka’s Presidential election counts down to a tense culmination in two weeks, let us have the comfort of imagining in a parallel and more hopeful universe, that following the crushing defeat of the Rajapaksas in 2015, its newly formed ‘Pohottuwa’ Party had cleansed its ranks of the highly corrupt, the highly murderous and [...]
Dark and dirty side of politics

It is not only in Sri Lanka that obnoxious politics operates just below the surface and even above it, especially when election time draws near. The world’s most powerful nation elected a president called Donald Trump. His antics, his use of his political office to further his political and business interests to the point that [...]
Polls in Jaffna: It’s a fight between two ‘devils’
Voters give demonic titles to the main contestants Proliferation of drugs in the Northern coastal belt Amidst heavy opposition, Mangala reveals draft MCC agreement Sajith hits back at Ranil over remarks of continuing as Premier JAFFNA – Thirty-five may be in the fray for the presidential election in this former war-torn northern peninsula but the [...]
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