Are you after your O/Levels or A/Levels? Not sure about your future career? Have been searching for an overseas qualification that will provide you a lucrative career? If so, you should read this. Sri Lanka is flooded with options for traditional higher education pathways, Degrees that are so popular but has no skill development to [...]


Dare to Change – One Step Away from a Different You!

Hospitality Management Study Opportunities in Australia and Switzerland

Are you after your O/Levels or A/Levels? Not sure about your future career? Have been searching for an overseas qualification that will provide you a lucrative career? If so, you should read this.

Sri Lanka is flooded with options for traditional higher education pathways, Degrees that are so popular but has no skill development to rise up the career ladder, these general degrees that provide you with a bachelor’s degree does not provide you the skills that are required to join the workforce and an International career that you dream of.  Some curriculums are outdated by the time you complete your degree there are no opportunities to find employment.

We have put together an expert panel from Sri Lanka and Australia to guide you through the lucrative career options available Globally and the skills in demand to pursue a career with success locally and internationally.

Your Investment in Higher Education Matters for 25 to 35 years more

After completing 12 to 13 years of Secondary and High School Education your next big step is to invest your time and parent’s money in a higher education option that will pave the way for you to reap the benefits for at least 30 to 35 years. When you look at the future time frame of your career spanning over three decades the initial investment of money and time which may be three to four years (Depending on the degree) is the key and the most vital for your future success.

Industry that grows faster than the Global Economy

During the last decade world economy going through various kinds of turbulences from terrorism activities to financial crisis one industry that stood strong and grew faster than the global economic growth is the Hospitality, Travel and Tourism sector. Whatever the crisis in the global economy, there had been a growth momentum in the industry with over 11% of the global work force employed in the industry.

Skills  Gap in Major Economies Around the world

Another way to look at the future potential and the longevity of your future career is to understand the skills gap that exists in Major Economies around the world. Hospitality, Travel and Tourism industry is an industry that has grown steadily at the same time skills gap has widened in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, United Kingdom, USA, Middle Eastern Countries and South East Asia.

One Step Away from Taking the right decision and a different you in the future

You have the opportunity that comes once in a lifetime to take an informed decision about your future career and higher education options. Meet the experts from the industry. Please call 0766 895896 or 0761 390 246 for an appointment for a discussion.


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