Home » ColumnsPettah’s main bus stand: Main toilets being abused for sexual activity
With the appointment of the new cabinet ministers and state ministers many of them have taken time to visit some of the institutions under their purview. One of them was Minister Mahinda Amaraweera who visited the Central Bus Stand in Pettah where he wanted to review the current operation of bus services. However the Minister [...]
Britain gives thunderous roar for Brexit Boris, the Tory’s wild boy

Britain woke on Friday the 13th to a champagne breakfast in celebration of Boris Johnson’s magnificent triumph at Thursday’s elections as the British lion gave a resounding roar of approval to Boris and his Brexit campaign to quit the continent. “Now no buts no ifs no maybes, we will get Brexit done”, declared the jubilant [...]
Singing for his supper

My dear Cheerio Sirisena, I thought I should write to you firstly to find out how you are faring because it has been one month since you left the top job. I am pretty sure almost no one writes to you now, since you are not in the hot seat and not of use to [...]
Fiscal stimulus, economic stability and growth

The banning of several imports that are locally produced, incentives to the construction sector, reduction of corporate taxes, reduction in personal taxes and elimination of certain withholding taxes by the new government are expected to give a stimulus to the economy by increasing investment. Their impact on growth would take time, but the fiscal consequences [...]
A ‘terminator’ here and a ‘Punisher’ there

In Manila this week, there are chilling reminders of how a ‘strongman’ President with a penchant for bad-mouthing those whom he dislikes and spearheading summary justice against alleged drug traffickers remains popular with his people despite all the hard evidence showing that the country has really not progressed under his rule. ‘We like him. He [...]
Dumping morality in the pursuit of power

As I sit down to write this column on this gloomy day with grey, overcast skies and the drip-drip of rain since morning, the scene somehow seemed to have Shakespearean symbolism. Not exactly King Lear but the atmosphere outside seemed to reflect British politics of recent times — dirty, racist and personal, all wrapped up [...]
The Swiss embassy saga takes a sour turn
Embassy Staffer contradicts her statements Serious doubts over her credibility Sirisena changes gear from being “neutral” Crisis in the UNP continues Less than a handful of Sri Lankans have brought worldwide notoriety to their country but never before has one ended up bringing two nations towards an eyeball to eyeball confrontation. That dubious distinction [...]
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