From clubfoot to normal feet

What joy and hope when a baby is born to a couple. Sometimes, though, there comes heartache, for the newborn has one or even both feet that may be deformed or badly-shaped. The reality hits then……it is clubfoot. From clubfoot to normal feet, MediScene asks Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Sunil Wijayasinghe attached to the Lady [...]
Depicted in art and antiquity

Dr. Sunil Wijayasinghe takes MediScene down the corridors of time to uncover clubfoot depicted in art and antiquity and also the evolution of treatment. He shows a picture of a clubfoot warrior in Greece galloping off to battle, contributing as a functional member of society and describes how there are records in the Neolithic Period [...]
Being fat: Falling into the evolutionary trap

I first saw David, on a cold spring morning standing in the forecourt of the Ufizzi in Florence. Centuries of neglect and the carelessness of pigeons could not dim the radiance of Michaelangelo’s homage to manly beauty. David has since been cleaned up, and moved indoors into the Academica where he now gleams in pristine [...]
Dealing with menopause

For all those women who are going through a difficult period in their lives and wondering what awaits them next, the Menopause Society of Sri Lanka gives some basic information. What is menopause? ‘Menopause’ is when the monthly menstrual bleeding of a woman stops naturally or because of some procedure she has undergone. Under natural [...]
Lessons from ACT

I have written about Acceptance Commitment Therapy or ACT in previous articles but now revisit the topic from another perspective. Psychotherapy or talking therapy in layman’s parlance has evolved over the years. Starting from the days of classical psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud we are now in what is called the third wave of behaviour therapy. [...]