Christmas will never be the same again

Heads bowed reverently or eyes focusing upward in fervent prayer, accompanied by beautiful singing with the poignant ‘Amens’ rising powerfully, skywards. It is a Sunday morning and smartly-attired families have come in their numbers to celebrate the Sabbath. Restive children are taken for a quiet walk, the pews are packed and people overflow into the [...]
Letters to the Editor

H.C. P. Bell: Little recognition of man who did so much I was interested to read that Rev. Kenneth Bell has donated H.C. P. Bell’s Buddha statue to the Sri Dalada Maligawa. H.C.P. Bell, himself, has not received the recognition he deserves for his role in restoring the historic sites in Sri Lanka. Bell was [...]

An unforgettable “Mobile Service Project Director” T. LANKANESON Thambiah Lankaneson who passed away on November 25 this year in Austin, Texas, USA, was born on January 12, 1942 in Katkovalam, Vadamarachchi in the District of Jaffna. He had his early education at Katkovalam Methodist College, Hartley College, Pt. Pedro and Thellipalai Mahajana College. Thereafter, he [...]
Head to the North for annular solar eclipse

Eclipses have fascinated and frightened humans through recorded history. The oldest solar eclipse observation is a Chinese record dated 709 BCE. In the modern age when the Internet and TV can bring events to your home, you may wonder why some eclipse-chasers travel round the world to see an eclipse of the Sun. But a [...]
Heading out of Colombo for Christmas?

From the pretty fairy lights strung through the streets to ornate Christmas trees, Colombo has been ready to welcome Christmas since the end of November. But if you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city yet don’t really want to miss out on that once-a-year Christmas fare, we’ve rounded up a few [...]
The gift of Christmas, beyond the festivities

Beyond the jingle bells, balloons and bon-bons, beyond the cakes and the cards, beyond Santa Claus and the reindeer, Christmas is a historical manifestation of God’s love which is, among other qualities unending, unfailing, unlimited and unmerited. Freely as we receive this divine, merciful, compassionate and unfailing love, we need to freely give it to [...]
20 centuries later the message of Christmas endures
The greatest event that took place in the world was the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem on Christmas day. So humble was the setting that even a film director preparing a set could not outdo it. His birth which took place this way later came to shake the very foundations of the world splitting [...]
Bombay Borough for an exciting culinary journey across India

Rediscover Indian food at the Bombay Borough located at One Galle Face, which opened its doors on December 10. The restaurant, which can serve 100 people, with its high ceilings and white marble bar presented a modern take on décor with rattan ceiling lights and interesting curios as well as recipes and sayings like ‘A [...]
Flavourful rustic fare at Baker’s Choice

“The food I prepare and have on my menu, goes back to what inspired me to become a chef in the first place. Wholesome comfort food served with simple and rustic garnishes, yet packed to the brim with flavour,” says Nishan Liyanage, head chef of “Baker’s Choice Cafe” down Kynsey Road Colombo 7. Baker’s Choice [...]
SAARC Charter Day

The SAARC Women’s Association – Sri Lanka Chapter celebrated SAARC Charter Day with a reception at the Renuka City Hotel in Colombo on Dec 9.
Go batik this season with Buddhi’s Paint it Red

Bold colours and vibrant patterns were showcased in the sleek bright interiors of the Access Motors Showroom as Buddhi Batiks set out to ‘Paint it Red This Season’ with the launch of their Seasonal Collection on Saturday, December 14. In partnership with Access Motors, Buddhi Batiks celebrated the launch of their full new collection with [...]
Young voices hit a seasonal note

It was a wonderfully festive musical treat as award-winning Russian all female choir Alye Parusa, directed by Elena Volodina, performed on December 13 and 14 at the Children’s Choir Festival at Cinnamon Lakeside. With over 400 children participating ranging from the ages of five to 14 years, the Choir Festival saw the children and audiences [...]