Lyceumers shine in USA
Athketes from Lyceum Panadura
Lyceumers from four branch schools — Nugegoda, Wattala, Panadura and Gampaha — travelled to Newport Coast in California, USA to take part in the Sri Lanka vs USA Karate Championship organised by Itosuryu Karatedo USA Branch during the December holiday season.
Lyceum International School secured a total of nine first places, nine second places and 11 third places after competing in Kata, Kumite and Basic Skills Performance against students from California Itosukai branches.
Karate is fast growing among students of Sri Lanka and at Lyceum International it is offered as a co-curricular activity from Grade 2 upwards, in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Itosukai branch.
The feat in USA is definitely the first of many achievements to come for the young Lyceumers.
The following students took part at this championship — Lahan Samarakoon, Samith Bethmage, Rashein Perera, Lahan Brahmana, Vajra Herath and Akith Kithnuka from Lyceum Nugegoda, Inuka Wijesekara, Nehan Welgama, Ramiru Wijegoonawardana and Shenon Lithal from Lyceum Wattala, Lithira Kalubowila, Vidun Welitharage, Linal Abeysekara and Suravi Herath from Lyceum Panadura and Thawru Witharana from Lyceum Gampaha.
Sensei R.J. Alexander, the Chief Instructor and representative of Japan Karatedo Itosukai Sri Lanka Branch was the coach of team.

Athletes from Lyceum Wattala

Athletes from Lyceum Nugegoda

The Lyceum Karate team upon arrival at Katunayake

Thewru Witharana of Lyceum Gampaha with the coach