Gain a world recognised MBBS degree at Grodno State Medical University in Belarus
(Rector Prof. Snezhitskiy, Viktor Aleksandrovich, Grodno State Medical University with Dr.Lasantha Amarakoon, the Chairman of REC Campus)
The Grodno State Medical University is one of the leading medical universities in the Republic of Belarus and it was included among the best 500 universities in the world.

Vice Rector for International Affairs – Prof.Bahdanovich Ihar Petrovich
The university was founded in 1958 and has solid reputation in scientific schools, acknowledged not only in the country. The favorable geographical position promoted the establishment of lasting international contacts and the university is funded by the Belarusian government.
REC Campus (Russian Educational center) has been sending Sri Lankan students to the university and currently more than 600 Sri Lankans studying in the university making a record of maximum Sri Lankan students provider to the university.
The massive competition for university admission last year led to choose only the highly performed students who fulfilled the criteria required by SLMC. The university is impressed of the students and their studies in the university and that led to their visit this month.
High qualification of the professor staff provides training of true professionals. The university has broad experience in training of foreign students. Moreover, friendly atmosphere of Grodno helps everyone to feel safely and comfortable. The university is recognized by WHO, SLMC,UK, USA, Australia and globally.

Dean of the Medical Faculty for International Students – Prof. Stenko Aleksander Aleksandrovich
Vice Rector for International Affairs – Prof.Bahdanovich Ihar Petrovich, and Dean of the Medical Faculty – Prof.Aliaksandr Stsianko visited Sri Lanka on 11th of January, 2020.
Grodno State Medical University has one of the biggest medical libraries in the country. It includes over 420000 copies of textbooks as well as various supplementary materials, CDs, medical journals, periodicals.
The library is connected to the Internet and offers on-line access to the biomedical database, digital catalogues, and also uses up-to-date informational technologies that allow diversifying render services. There is a comfortable library hall with the 20 PCs connected to the Internet for library users. The students and academic staff can use such databases and links as: full-text database of Wiley, Ovid, Springer, EBSCO Publishing, Cambridge University Press and electronic medical library.
Main research areas include Elaboration of methods of diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disorders, chronic cardiac failure, arterial hypertension and other pathologies of cardiovascular system. Modern methods of diagnosis and surgical correction of the most common diseases of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas; consequences of cholestasis for adult and developing body.
University has a well-equipped Gymnasium and sporting facilities within walking distance from the hostel and university main building. Indoor badminton courts, football practicing facilities are some of the other facilities that university provides for students. Belarusian Universities provide great place for the students to relax and engage in outdoor sports and recreation activities during their free time.
According to the concepts of the Present Rector, Fully equipped accommodation facilities are given to the students. A new hostel accommodating 1300 students has been handed over to the students in January 2020. Current Rector Prof. Snezhitskiy, Viktor Aleksandrovich’s vision is to provide Training of the specialists in demand with high academic, professional, social and individual competences in the field of general medicine, medical psychology, medical diagnostics, nursing and paediatrics.
Development of the fundamental and applied sciences in the field of population health promotion; development of new technologies and their implementation in experimental, prophylactic and clinical medicine. And Gaining of the status of the leading educational center in the health care system of Grodno region, Republic of Belarus and other world countries by means of training of highly qualified specialists in the field of general medicine, medical psychology, medical diagnostics, nursing and paediatrics and by means of development of the fundamental and applied sciences in medical and social spheres.
Due to Vice – rector for International Affairs – Prof.Bahdanovich, Ihar Petrovich, Academic affairs has been tightened in the university and the Education system in the university is unique and students get the best possible globally recognized education in the university.
Contact REC Campus
for admissions and further information.
Hotline – 0711- 10 10 10
REC Campus, No:181, High Level Road, Nugegoda

( Sri Lankan students registered at Grodno State Medical University, 2019)