How a President and a PM of Sri Lanka escaped assassination by five seconds

President J.R. Jayewardene had, only a few days before, on July 29, 1987, signed the controversial Indo-Sri Lanka pact with Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India. Most observers take the view that Jayewardene fighting a JVP insurrection in the South and an LTTE insurgency in the North had little option but to sign this agreement [...]
Can another constitution rescue Lanka?

Efforts made through 72 years with three constitutions — the last with 19 amendments — to find a legal formula to bring political and economic stability to Lanka have been futile and now, once again, the country is making an effort to find that elusive formula. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, addressing the Ceremonial Opening of Parliament [...]
The demonisation of journalists must end
AMSTERDAM – Five years ago this month, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi stormed the Paris offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and, in a nightmare lasting just minutes, killed 12 people. In the days that followed, millions marched in France and elsewhere to express solidarity with the murdered journalists. For Europeans, the Charlie Hebdo [...]
Pooma’s arangetram

Young dancer Pooma Luxme Asokan held her arangetram last month at the Bishop’s College auditorium before a distinguished gathering. Pooma is a disciple of Kalasuri Thivya Sujen and a student of Methodist College, Colombo 3.
The Show Must Go On: Remembering a beloved thespian
January 16, will mark the first death anniversary of well known thespian Vinodh Senadeera and to celebrate his memory, a tribute show will be held at the Lionel Wendt Theatre on that date. “The Show Must Go On…” – Vinodh Senadeera’s Best Loved Memories will consist of a series of short performances by students and [...]
New All-Island JP
K. Mallika Senaratne took oaths before Kegalle Additional District Judge R.A.M. Rajapakse as an all-island Justice of Peace. Ms. Senartne, a teacher for 30 years, first served at St. Joseph’s Balika Vidyalaya and then at Girls’ High School in Kandy. Before joining the education sector, she also served as the Member Relation Officer at the [...]