Home » ColumnsBuilding rents or lease: Colossal waste of money by ministries and state institutions

Some ministries and corporations seeking office space on rent have committed the government to pay millions of rupees. This is by entering into lease or rent agreements for five years, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has been told. He has now directed that a list of such state institutions be forwarded to him together with [...]
Surely, this is no big surprise

My dear Satellite, It has been a long time since I wrote to you last but I thought I must write to you after hearing that you have been removed as from the Blue party organiser for Attanagalla, the electorate which the B family dominated for decades. You may be shocked at this turn of [...]
Sensible steps needed to handle the ‘Ranjangate’ scandal

Leaked phone conversations between a politician and judicial officers with more details due to emerge has led to the interdiction of a Magistrate and inquiries into other judges even as the Sri Lankan public remain tantalised by these unfolding scandals. Weighty matters of governance are left discarded, the soaring cost of living is beside the [...]
Ranjan’s kiss-and-tell tapes continue to top the hit parade

There were no bohemian air, no party jollity, no ‘open house’ invite to dip into snacks and chats, no time for long showers, dabbed with generous splashes of after shave, no time for selfies and, definitely, no kisses for the arresting cop who handcuffed him. This time the mood was sullen. The atmosphere cold. Last [...]
Will justice ever be done?

Sri Lanka’s judicial system has taken a bad beating in recent weeks. This, of course, is not the first time it has been slammed by legal professionals and the public alike. Naturally the professionals, being more learned in the law (spare me the sniggers, thank you), subject it to greater probity than the public which [...]
The United National Party splits
Sajith faction decides to form a ‘broad’ alliance Opposition parliamentary group meeting ends in chaos SLFP decides to contest on the Pohottuwa symbol US official says Congress wants Sri Lanka to accept MCC The United National Party (UNP), the country’s oldest, is facing a split in the middle after Thursday’s parliamentary group meeting ended in [...]
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