Coventry University, UK offers BSc in Data Science in collaboration with NIBM
Dr. D M A Kulasooriya Director General National Institute of Business Management
Data Scientist is a top-notch job available in the world today.
The career as a data scientist is one of the most promising options these days for school leavers and it’s driving a huge number of enthusiasts to become a part of this community. Hence, students after A/L are taking up data science courses across the globe. National Innovation Centre of NIBM offers a world class BSc (Hons) in Data Science degree in collaboration with Coventry University, UK to create a great opportunity for School Leavers to join industries as Data Science practitioners. This qualification creates the path for them to start their career as data scientists with industry experience.
Growing Demand
Data Scientist is the job, which is creating hype, by its demand all around the world. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, by 2018, the U.S. will have around 140,000 to 180,000 fewer data scientists than it needs. The demand for data science is increasing, while the supply is too low. India requires over 200,000 data scientists by 2018 compared to engineers and chartered accountants. So you wait, become one of them and be in demand.
High-End Salaries
According to the Glassdoor, in 2016 data science was the highest paid field to get into. According to their findings, the national average salary for a Data Scientist is INR 6,50,000 in India and the national average salary for a Data Scientist is $1,20,931 in the United States coming to Europe, national average salary for a Data Scientist is €52,000. These salaries are much higher compared to other jobs
Higher Value Addition to the Business
They are blooming in each and every field of the businesses from IT to health-care, from E-commerce to marketing and retail. Data being the most valuable asset to a company, Data Scientists plays a very important role they serve as a trusted adviser and strategic partner to their management.
They analyze the data for valuable resource that can help refine their niche, identify the preferred target audience and manage future marketing and growth strategies. Actually Data Scientists help industries to make profits at no costs. Data science is the field, which is not only helping businesses to recognize their markets and then making better decisions but it is also helping out businesses to get closer to their customers to bring them effective services. Data Scientists are the superheroes, who collect, cleanse and organize the data with their intense skills.
Evolving Field
Data Science is evolving quickly because of the increasing demand of data around the world. Data scientists have a wide variety of skill sets that can leverage data and information to help organizations to make better strategic decisions.
They get exciting opportunities to work and experiment with data to come up with the suitable solutions for the businesses. There are many new exciting fields are emerging within this field including Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), along with some newer technologies like Block chain.
Easy to Grab a Job
Data Science is flourishing; it is being the most demanding job in the world today. Companies are desperately looking for Data Scientists.
As Data Scientists are high in demand and the supply is low. E-commerce companies are not only the companies who are hiring them but also today Data Scientists are being hired by the companies from almost every fields, in fact, many start-ups are relying on Data Science to go ahead.