SLITA for better career path in Textile & Apparel Industry
View(s):The Sri Lanka Institute of Textile & Apparel (SLITA) with the mission to facilitate sustainable development of Sri Lankan Textile & Apparel Industry by producing competent workforce with specialized skills, is a widely renowned Training and Technical Service provider for the Textile & Apparel Industry.

S. Ilangovan, Director Training & Technical SLITA
In an interview with Engineer S. Ilangovan, Director Training & Technical SLITA, he shared the service of the SLITA and opportunities available in the Textile & Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka.
First and foremost, give an overview of SLITA in a nutshell?
SLITA has been established by Parliament Act No.12 of 2009 after merging the two Institutes Textile Training & Services Centre and Clothing Industry Training Institute. The SLITA, which is under the Ministry of Industries and Supply Chain Management delivers study programmes that are being complied with the need of students in the Sri Lankan context at the same time keeping the Industry relevance. SLITA is also empowered to award diploma, degrees at graduate and postgraduate level.
What is, in fact, the role of the SLITA?
SLITA will provide fast track and cutting edge education to professionals for managing the Apparel Industry in a competitive era. The institute has entered into Memorandum of Understanding leading Industries (MOU) such as North Carolina State University, Bunka Fashion College, Japan.
SLITA is committed to prepare its students for technical and managerial positions in Textile and Apparel Industry and strive to deliver quality education through a system of effective pedagogy and continuous industry interaction with students.
With the synergy of new technology and the knowledge from the industry, Institute mandate is to create technical and management professional who can understand the dynamics of the global business environment for Textile & Apparel Industry.
We also conduct Post Graduate and Degree programmes and to provide Diploma level education, training and consultancy and technical services to those in the Textile & Apparel Industry;
When it comes to an institute of this nature, it has to be equipped with potential to deliver its service in an effective manner. So, brief on SLITA’s strengths?
We mainly focus on establishing national standards in Texitle and Clothing Technology Management and other related areas and award certificates in respect of the same. SLITA assists the Government in contributing to the GDP and in the formulation of a national policy on Textile and Apparel Industry, which is a great pride for us.
It should be mentioned that SLITA links up with foreign Institutions, industries and laboratories and provides accreditation and laboratory services and conduct high level of courses maintaining high standards in respect of the same. At the same time, we form affiliations with local and foreign universities and institutions with a view of awarding digress, postgraduate degrees, diplomas and certificates in the fields related to the Textile and Apparel Industry.
SLITA carries out research and promote product development in the Textile and Apparel Industry in collaboration with State Institutions, local and foreign academic organizations, institutions and industries. And also, it offers testing and other related technical consultancy services in fields related to the Textile and Apparel Industry on a fee levying basis to local and foreign Institutions and to local and foreign students.
SLITA conducts market surveys, technical and economic feasibility studies, project appraisals and valuations on plant and machinery used in the Textile and Apparel Industry. It also maintains a database containing information relating to the product in, import and export and other technical information relating to the Textile and Apparel Industry.
SLITA is also recognized as a prestigious institute as it issues conformity certificates to those engaged in the Textile and Apparel Industry on international, national and company compliance system standards.
How do you view SLITA delivering an immense service to the Textile and Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka?
Textile and Apparel Industry is the number industry in Sri Lanka, which generate more than 45% income to the country. The industry also feeds nearly 1 million people. When compared other industries, Textile and Apparel Industry becomes outstanding in terms of its large wage payments to the employees, welfare facilities, other system and procedure practices of the industry. The Industry is involved in exporting its products mainly to USA and UK. It should be noted that the Textile and Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka fulfils the demands of such Western Countries maintaining the standards up to par. We are proud to be part and parcel of the endeavour in providing technical education and services for such an industry to develop for nearly 30 years.
Textile and Apparel Industry, which scopes in different sectors is entailed with some challenges. What do you have to say about this in respect to Sri Lankan context?
When talking about the challenges prevailing in the Textile and Apparel Industry, unavailability of diversified range of products in the apparel sector is identified as a major issue at present. The garments exports accounts for more than 90% of the total exports of the industry and have been identified to be a similar figure for the past two decades.
Lack of production of raw materials and accessories, within the country, is identified to be another major issue faced by the industry. This has affected the competitiveness of the local garment exports, as a whole in comparison with the other competitors in Asia. The cost of labour acted as one of the major reasons for the textile industry to move from developed western countries to developing Asian countries. In analyzing the current context of Sri Lanka, it is identified not to be a low-cost producer in comparison with the other Asian competitors and countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Caribbean nations and sub-Saharan countries which also have preferential access to the major markets.
Issues concerning labour are expected to arise in the future context as the labour supply of Sri Lanka is currently facing a stage of decline in sectors such as apparel industry. The preference to work in Middle East household sector also has an impact on the above.
Technology used in production is considered to be a highly important factor as it determines the quality of the output, time consumed for production which ultimately decides the lead time.
Let’s come back to SLITA. Tell us a bit about the facilities equipped by your institute
The SLITA has a library equipped with and 4000 volume in Textile, Clothing and allied Subjects, together with International Journal/Magazines covering all aspects of Textile & Clothing Industry. In addition to Textiles and Clothing Journals/magazines, the library also contains other International Magazines related to Business and Commerce, Economics, Accounting, Management , Marketing etc. Reference facilities are available for those interested with prior approval
Besides, IT lab offers the Intel i5 computers with high-speed broadband connection and Wi-Fi, software, and different equipment related to textile industry. The lab is staffed by Teaching Assistants who can assist in technological instruction and Lab is fully air-conditioned.
Lab also featured with digital library facilities. Students can use the lab at any time to gain more knowledge in their respective field.
The SLITA is also equipped with a seminar hall, with a seating capacity of 100 and centrally air-conditioning, with modern facilities like multimedia projector and sound systems. It is a hub of activities happening on institute, be it an academic event like a conference, a seminar.
The auditorium, which is a great asset to the institute, has a seating capacity for 100, Fully Air-Conditioned hall with one air-conditioned dressing room facility, Clear and Perfect Sound system. The stage area is 15ft by 10ft. Air conditioning inclusive of a stand by Generator. It is a hub of activities happening on institute, fun get together by the students to celebrate their annual functions, farewell parties etc.
What are the courses that the SLITA is offering to its students?
The SLITA offers diplomas like Diploma in Testing & Quality Assurance of Textiles & Garments, Diploma in Textile & Apparel Technology, Diploma in Clothing Technology, Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design & Product Development, Diploma in productivity improvement techniques & management and Higher National Diploma in Textile & Apparel Technology
When talking about the Certificate courses, the SLITA offers Certificate in Garment Washing , Dyeing & Finishing Technology, Certificate in Fabric Technology, Certificate in sewing machine engineering & maintenance course, Certificate Course in Footwear Designing, Certificate Course in Footwear Manufacturing, certificate in work-study and factory management.
These are only some courses offered by the SLITA. More details about the courses can be obtained via our website
At last, what is the message you can give to those who are willing to enter this industry?
There are 60,000 vacancies in the industry at a different level. There are students, who do not know this fact. This is an industry through which new people can pursue their career in flying colours.
There is a great career path in this field and thus all those who are willing to enter this industry are invited to choose Sri Lanka Institute of Textile & Apparel for them to start their career with a solid foundation.
- SheainFernandopulle